The United Nations offers a 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, comprising 17 Sustainable Development Goals that collectively act as a plan of action for global transformation. Together, they are a roadmap for a more equitable future for all, regardless of one’s background or circumstances. And because this Agenda is truly inclusive of all, it recognizes persons with disabilities as a community to be supported alongside other disadvantaged groups. 

At Randstad, our values and actions are driven by a deep desire to see all people, everywhere, given access to equal opportunities. That includes offering or building a bridge towards an extra helping hand to achieve one’s goals. That’s why we are committed to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities, and in particular, the goal’s focus to ‘’empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status’’.

1.3 billion people across the world experience significant disability (WHO) - for perspective, that’s nearly the population of India or China, the world’s most populous countries. Within this talent pool, up to 90% are unemployed in developing countries while 50-70% are without a job in developed countries (UN). Overall, persons with disabilities are more likely to be inactive and face barriers to education (ILO).

leaning in and lending a hand

With persistent talent shortages, a rapidly changing world of work, and economic uncertainty, we need all voices present in the job market. Work not only supports the development of meaning in an individual’s life, but it also results in greater contributions from one person to another - impacting entire communities and nations. As the largest global talent company, Randstad plays an increasingly significant role in this.

In 2022, Randstad supported 13,024 candidates with disabilities in accessing employment. This is nearly 3,000 more individuals than the previous year, an achievement we are both humbled and proud to share as a result of the exceptional work done by our teams around the world. 

Aitor’s story, three-time adaptive surfing champion. In Spain, the Randstad Foundation facilitated successful labor market reintegration for over 4,900 individuals with disabilities in 2022.

support around the globe

With our global reach, Randstad will continue to work hand-in-hand with organizations that partner with us in closing the disability-employment gap. More than this, we actively take tangible steps to improve the employability, skills, and opportunities overall for people with disabilities. 

In Spain, the Randstad Foundation facilitated successful labor market reintegration for over 4,900 individuals with disabilities in 2022. Through collaboration with nine offices, the Foundation engaged with 1,765 companies and 150 social entities across Spain, resulting in the hiring of over 2,000 people. Additionally, more than 3,300 individuals enhanced their employability via training, workshops, and personalized assessment sessions. The Foundation also organized sessions to foster a positive culture, raise awareness of disability-related matters, and promote inclusivity within companies.

Over in Asia Pacific, and in response to a declining labor force, the focus on inclusivity in the workplace has grown in Japan. Randstad Japan stands out for its exemplary approach to providing employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities, emphasizing their abilities rather than limitations. These practices are leveraged to assist clients in attracting and retaining a diverse workforce. Randstad Japan's National Job Center operates with approximately 60% of its employees as persons with disabilities. The center is dedicated to matching job seekers with suitable positions, a core function facilitated by team leaders who consider individual disabilities and set equitable goals. Colleagues with disabilities experience job satisfaction from their role in connecting individuals with companies and are valued for their contributions. 

image from japan kick off meeting call
image from japan kick off meeting call

Kick-off meeting of the Randstad Japan's National Job Center which operates with approximately 60% of its employees as persons with disabilities.

Moving to South America, Randstad Argentina prioritized inclusivity by providing comprehensive training to consultants in disability recruitment. This effort extended to assisting four clients in fostering more inclusive workplace cultures. Furthering these initiatives, partnerships were forged with specialized NGOs, resulting in simulated interviews for 10 individuals. Moreover, Randstad supported women with disabilities by initiating two mentoring programs spanning three months each, aimed at facilitating their entry into the labor market.

Over in Northern Europe, Randstad Poland has been honored with the distinction of 'Employer with Heart,' part of a campaign aimed at enhancing accessibility for individuals with disabilities in the labor market. Through an adjustment of their work practices, Randstad has successfully integrated individuals with diverse disabilities, including mental challenges, visual impairments, wheelchair users, and those with hearing impairments, into their Warsaw headquarters. These colleagues effectively manage HR responsibilities, handling talent-related tasks and documentation. This commitment not only empowers employees with disabilities to advance in their careers alongside their peers but also provides a valuable opportunity to gain insights from their unique perspectives. The positive feedback received from these employees underscores their contentment and adds significant value to our inclusive approach.

These are only a few examples of the ways in which Randstad continues to strive towards our ambition of becoming the world’s most equitable, specialized talent company. We will continue to partner with like minded organizations to achieve these goals and positively contribute towards the UN SDGs. For more information, please take a look at our 2023 Local Sustainability Initiatives Report.

randstad's impact: accelerating progress towards UN sustainable development goals.

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