08 June 2020who’s the boss? a commentary on the latest HR developments.future of workexpert opinionlabor market policy
08 June 2020new labor law in italy has direct impact on staffing.talent managementlabor market policy
05 June 2020the impact of technology is greater than you can imagine.future of workemployee value propositionexpert opinionjob automationlabor market policystem
05 June 2020opportunity for growth.future of workattractive companyemployee engagementhuman capital trendslabor market policyrecruitment processworkforce optimization
05 June 2020business brief: towards an inclusive and competitive labor market for the evolving world of work.future of workexpert opinionjob automationlabor market policy
05 June 2020multi-generational marketing: a must for any brand.employer brandingexpert opinionlabor market policyrecruitment process
05 June 2020is job polarization leading to societal discontent?future of workexpert opinionjob automationlabor market policystemworkforce optimizationworkforce organization
04 June 2020industry 4.0 mismatching and reskilling.future of worklabor market policyskills shortages