20 June 2023kickstarting careers: how Randstad's refugee pilot project is changing lives.future of workcareer changecase studydisruption in the workforceequityemployee engagementequitylabor market policyskillsskills shortagestraining and developmentwork trendsworkplace culture
02 June 2023why creating an ideal work environment is crucial for business success.employer brandingdisruption in the workforceworkplace culture
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11 January 2023guiding employees into thriving roles.hr trendsattractive companydigital transformationdisruption in the workforceemployee engagementhr innovationhuman capital trendsrobotizationskills shortagesstemtraining and developmentwork trendsworkforce optimizationworkforce organizationworkmonitor
24 November 2022 4 ways employers can prepare their HR strategy for digital transformation. hr trendsattractive companydigital transformationdisruption in the workforceemployee engagementhr innovationhuman capital trendsrobotizationskills shortagesstemwork trendsworkforce optimizationworkforce organizationworkmonitor
16 April 2021how we helped giota find a new job.employee developmentdisruption in the workforceemployee satisfaction
18 December 2020lessons to improve working lives around the world.hr trendscareer changedigital transformationdisruption in the workforceskills
30 October 2020a position paper on remote work local country regulation.future of workdisruption in the workforceexpert opinionlabor market policyskills
26 October 2020mind the gap.future of workdisruption in the workforceexpert opinionjob automationlabor market policyskills
17 August 2020overcoming HR challenges in the construction sector.talent managementdisruption in the workforcehuman capital trendsskills shortagesworkforce organization