Randstad Holding nv is pleased to announce its inclusion in the 2015 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) review. Launched in 1999, the DJSI World is the first global index to track the leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide based on RobecoSAM’s analysis of financially material Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors.

Randstad is the only HR services provider included as a member in the Professional Services industry of the DJSI world and DJSI Europe indices. Of the 19 companies eligible to participate in the DJSI world index, only Randstad and one other company have been included.

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I am glad that our efforts in sustainable business are being recognized by DJSI. We have always aspired to grow sustainably, and to safeguard the business and its long-term viability, while taking the interests of all stakeholders into account. We expect this recognition is a valuable signal to our clients, candidates, employees, investors and other stakeholders. We look forward to further improving our sustainability performance in the years to come.

Jacques van den Broek
Randstad CEO

More information on how Randstad creates value through sustainable business can be found in our annual report and on our corporate website on sustainability.

More information on the DJSI: www.sustainability-indices.com

about randstad

Randstad is a global talent leader with the vision to be the world’s most equitable and specialized talent company. As a partner for talent and through our four specializations - Operational, Professional, Digital and Enterprise - we provide clients with the high-quality, diverse and agile workforces that they need to succeed in a talent scarce world. We help people secure meaningful roles, develop relevant skills and find purpose and belonging in their workplace. Through the value we create, we are committed to a better and more sustainable future for all. Headquartered in the Netherlands, Randstad operates in 39 markets and has approximately 40,000 employees. In 2023, we supported 2 million talent to find work and generated a revenue of €25.4 billion. Randstad N.V. is listed on the Euronext Amsterdam. For more information, see www.randstad.com.

for more information

Elise Martin-Davies
+31 (0)6 1322 5136