Researching and analyzing market trends and competitor activity.Developing and implementing strategies that resonate with the target market.Increasing product sales and market share.Measuring and reporting on campaign performance and assessing KPIs and ROI.To ensure achieving marketing goals based on past performance and market forecastsTo oversee current offerings and comes up with ideas for new products.Research and analyse market trends, competitor prod
Researching and analyzing market trends and competitor activity.Developing and implementing strategies that resonate with the target market.Increasing product sales and market share.Measuring and reporting on campaign performance and assessing KPIs and ROI.To ensure achieving marketing goals based on past performance and market forecastsTo oversee current offerings and comes up with ideas for new products.Research and analyse market trends, competitor prod
What is a packer job description?Packers are workers who prepare finished products for packaging and shipment. They do so by checking that the items they need to pack are present before wrapping them securely according to company standards or requirements, then loading up the goods on pallets ready for shipping.
What is a packer job description?Packers are workers who prepare finished products for packaging and shipment. They do so by checking that the items they need to pack are present before wrapping them securely according to company standards or requirements, then loading up the goods on pallets ready for shipping.
Looking For Mechanical Project Engineer , must have excellent experience in NPD.Exp-4+years in wind Industry Job Location - Khavda Qualification - BE. /Diploma Mechanical
Looking For Mechanical Project Engineer , must have excellent experience in NPD.Exp-4+years in wind Industry Job Location - Khavda Qualification - BE. /Diploma Mechanical
職種その他(その他)勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容/小売店などのお取引先からだいじな売上金をお預りする使命感のあるお仕事!\【お仕事の流れ】必ず二人一組になり専用車両で移動 ↓順番にお店を周り売上金を預かり 釣銭用の現金を渡す*ドライバーと助手の 役割分担を決めて動きます! 一人じゃないので、不明点などもその場で 解決しながら進められるので安心◎「いつもありがとう、お疲れ様」感謝をもらえるお仕事です。【条件】◆雇用形態:契約社員(正社員登用可能性あり)◆試用期間:3ヶ月(労働条件に変更なし)◆月収:18.6万円~◆想定年収:261万円~ ※残業手当別途◆昇給:有(年1回)◆賞与:有(年2回)派遣先の特徴金融に特化した全国規模の大手警備会社。広い年齢層の方が就業しており、男女同程度で和やかな職場。お金を扱っているため、しっかりしている方が多い。最寄駅仙石線/小鶴新田駅(徒歩14分)休日休暇シフト制完全週休二日のシフト制(長期休暇はなし)/希望休の相談可/シフトは毎月10日までに翌日~1ヶ月分表示就業時間(
職種その他(その他)勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容/小売店などのお取引先からだいじな売上金をお預りする使命感のあるお仕事!\【お仕事の流れ】必ず二人一組になり専用車両で移動 ↓順番にお店を周り売上金を預かり 釣銭用の現金を渡す*ドライバーと助手の 役割分担を決めて動きます! 一人じゃないので、不明点などもその場で 解決しながら進められるので安心◎「いつもありがとう、お疲れ様」感謝をもらえるお仕事です。【条件】◆雇用形態:契約社員(正社員登用可能性あり)◆試用期間:3ヶ月(労働条件に変更なし)◆月収:18.6万円~◆想定年収:261万円~ ※残業手当別途◆昇給:有(年1回)◆賞与:有(年2回)派遣先の特徴金融に特化した全国規模の大手警備会社。広い年齢層の方が就業しており、男女同程度で和やかな職場。お金を扱っているため、しっかりしている方が多い。最寄駅仙石線/小鶴新田駅(徒歩14分)休日休暇シフト制完全週休二日のシフト制(長期休暇はなし)/希望休の相談可/シフトは毎月10日までに翌日~1ヶ月分表示就業時間(
Medical Divice sales
Job Summary determines the quantity and order date for materials needed to meet the master production schedule or independent customer demand. Expedites purchase or production orders as appropriate.
Job Summary determines the quantity and order date for materials needed to meet the master production schedule or independent customer demand. Expedites purchase or production orders as appropriate.
職種その他(その他)勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容特別なスキルや経験は一切不要!接客もない、お客様からお預りした現金の数を確認するお仕事◎【 業務内容 】現金回収バックの中に入ったポーチから硬貨や紙幣を取り出し、専用機械へ投入 ↓機械に記載された枚数が帳票と合っているかのチェック ↓現金が出てきて箱に入るので箱をベルトコンベアにのせる現金のため慎重さは必要ですが作業自体は難易度低め◎【 条件 】◆雇用形態:契約社員(正社員登用可能性あり)◆試用期間:3ヶ月(労働条件に変更なし)◆月収:18.6万円~◆想定年収:261万円~ ※残業手当別途◆昇給:有(年1回)◆賞与:有(年2回)派遣先の特徴金融に特化した全国規模の大手警備会社。広い年齢層の方が就業しており、男女同程度で和やかな職場。お金を扱っているため、しっかりしている方が多い。最寄駅仙石線/小鶴新田駅(徒歩14分)休日休暇シフト制完全週休二日のシフト制(長期休暇はなし)/希望休の相談可/シフトは毎月10日までに翌日~1ヶ月分表示就業時間(1)6:30-
職種その他(その他)勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容特別なスキルや経験は一切不要!接客もない、お客様からお預りした現金の数を確認するお仕事◎【 業務内容 】現金回収バックの中に入ったポーチから硬貨や紙幣を取り出し、専用機械へ投入 ↓機械に記載された枚数が帳票と合っているかのチェック ↓現金が出てきて箱に入るので箱をベルトコンベアにのせる現金のため慎重さは必要ですが作業自体は難易度低め◎【 条件 】◆雇用形態:契約社員(正社員登用可能性あり)◆試用期間:3ヶ月(労働条件に変更なし)◆月収:18.6万円~◆想定年収:261万円~ ※残業手当別途◆昇給:有(年1回)◆賞与:有(年2回)派遣先の特徴金融に特化した全国規模の大手警備会社。広い年齢層の方が就業しており、男女同程度で和やかな職場。お金を扱っているため、しっかりしている方が多い。最寄駅仙石線/小鶴新田駅(徒歩14分)休日休暇シフト制完全週休二日のシフト制(長期休暇はなし)/希望休の相談可/シフトは毎月10日までに翌日~1ヶ月分表示就業時間(1)6:30-
社名社名非公開職種その他(オープンポジションなど)業務内容○入退社手続き関連業務・入退社に関する社内手続き・エージェントや内定者への連絡・問い合わせ対応・その他人事業務のサポート 等法人には障がい者メンバーの面談を専門に行うカウンセラー(有資格)を配置しています。また、健康サポートセンターには産業医・精神科専門医資格をお持ちの産業医・保健師も常駐しておりますので安心して就労いただける環境です。※採用後安定就労をご支援するため産業医、並びに精神科専門医の資格を所有している産業医や、カウンセラーとの面談にて、必要時フォローアップいたします。※希望される配慮事項の確認や協議等においては、配属先の上長・産業医・人事の三位一体体制にて支援いたします。※社内相談窓口を設置しています。※短時間勤務については、検討可能なポジションもございますので、事前にご相談下さい。選考フロー:書類選考⇒面接2回求められる経験【必須スキル】○人事の経験がある方・3年以上ある方○PCスキルのある方・エクセル(中級):関数(IF、VLOOKU
社名社名非公開職種その他(オープンポジションなど)業務内容○入退社手続き関連業務・入退社に関する社内手続き・エージェントや内定者への連絡・問い合わせ対応・その他人事業務のサポート 等法人には障がい者メンバーの面談を専門に行うカウンセラー(有資格)を配置しています。また、健康サポートセンターには産業医・精神科専門医資格をお持ちの産業医・保健師も常駐しておりますので安心して就労いただける環境です。※採用後安定就労をご支援するため産業医、並びに精神科専門医の資格を所有している産業医や、カウンセラーとの面談にて、必要時フォローアップいたします。※希望される配慮事項の確認や協議等においては、配属先の上長・産業医・人事の三位一体体制にて支援いたします。※社内相談窓口を設置しています。※短時間勤務については、検討可能なポジションもございますので、事前にご相談下さい。選考フロー:書類選考⇒面接2回求められる経験【必須スキル】○人事の経験がある方・3年以上ある方○PCスキルのある方・エクセル(中級):関数(IF、VLOOKU
Job Title:** Safety Manager – Dismantling & Demolition/Project Erection **Department:** Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) **Location:** [Insert Location] **Reports To:** Project Manager / HSE Head **Job Purpose:** To ensure the safety and compliance of all dismantling, demolition, and project erection activities by supervising safety patrollers, scaffolding experts, and rescuers. The Safety Manager is responsible for developing and implementing safety pr
Job Title:** Safety Manager – Dismantling & Demolition/Project Erection **Department:** Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) **Location:** [Insert Location] **Reports To:** Project Manager / HSE Head **Job Purpose:** To ensure the safety and compliance of all dismantling, demolition, and project erection activities by supervising safety patrollers, scaffolding experts, and rescuers. The Safety Manager is responsible for developing and implementing safety pr
Diesel Mechanic/Hydraulic mechanic/General mechanic. B.E /Diploma 8-14 years experience in Heavy Construction Equipment
Diesel Mechanic/Hydraulic mechanic/General mechanic. B.E /Diploma 8-14 years experience in Heavy Construction Equipment
Primary Responsibilities:This is a full-time on-site role for an Electrical Engineer, who will be responsible for:• Installation, handling & maintenance of all electrical equipment, viz., 160 KWP SolarPanel plant, UPS, Generators, energy saving devices, starters, motors, control panels,HT-LT, switch gears, cabling, water pumps, air-conditioning equipment, lifts, etc.• Designing, developing, testing and supervising the installation of electrical equipment,s
Primary Responsibilities:This is a full-time on-site role for an Electrical Engineer, who will be responsible for:• Installation, handling & maintenance of all electrical equipment, viz., 160 KWP SolarPanel plant, UPS, Generators, energy saving devices, starters, motors, control panels,HT-LT, switch gears, cabling, water pumps, air-conditioning equipment, lifts, etc.• Designing, developing, testing and supervising the installation of electrical equipment,s
Land Levelling, earth works Executing foundation works of polyhouse/greenhouse RCC works for Utility foundations Development of Ponds / Lagoons / Water bodies / Lakes Has to execute site drainage works as per drawings Estimation of raw materials for RCC works, minor steel structures such as sheds Daily update to site manager, planning & design dept about work progress. Knowledge of light duty steel structures such as sheds for low height warehouses, utilit
Land Levelling, earth works Executing foundation works of polyhouse/greenhouse RCC works for Utility foundations Development of Ponds / Lagoons / Water bodies / Lakes Has to execute site drainage works as per drawings Estimation of raw materials for RCC works, minor steel structures such as sheds Daily update to site manager, planning & design dept about work progress. Knowledge of light duty steel structures such as sheds for low height warehouses, utilit
FabricatorWeldingAutomobileEngine Mechanic
FabricatorWeldingAutomobileEngine Mechanic
Electrical /Mechanical /Civil Engineer -Wind Projects Diploma/B.E /BTech with 4 to 12 years experience in Project execution/Construction/Site Engineering/ from Renewable OR Power Projects. Location: Khavda,Gujarat
Electrical /Mechanical /Civil Engineer -Wind Projects Diploma/B.E /BTech with 4 to 12 years experience in Project execution/Construction/Site Engineering/ from Renewable OR Power Projects. Location: Khavda,Gujarat
Position: Mechanical Foreman Diploma in Mechanical with 7- 10 years experience in Heavy Equipment . Location: Gujarat Job Type: Contractual
Position: Mechanical Foreman Diploma in Mechanical with 7- 10 years experience in Heavy Equipment . Location: Gujarat Job Type: Contractual
descriptif du posteQuels défis stimulants vous attendent en tant que Masseur kinésithérapeute (F/H) en établissements thermaux ?Intégrez une équipe d'établissements thermaux pour prodiguer des soins personnalisés contribuant au bien-être physique et à la détente de la clientèle. - Évaluer les besoins des patients afin de définir les thérapies appropriées - Réaliser des massages thérapeutiques et relaxants adaptés à chaque individu - Conseiller les patie
descriptif du posteQuels défis stimulants vous attendent en tant que Masseur kinésithérapeute (F/H) en établissements thermaux ?Intégrez une équipe d'établissements thermaux pour prodiguer des soins personnalisés contribuant au bien-être physique et à la détente de la clientèle. - Évaluer les besoins des patients afin de définir les thérapies appropriées - Réaliser des massages thérapeutiques et relaxants adaptés à chaque individu - Conseiller les patie
Greetings From Randstad ! Roles and Responsibilities Preventive and predictive maintenance of the electrical systems, conducting daily rounds and readingsUtility MaintenancePLC ProgrammingElectrical Control Pannels, wiring PLC Programming, Drive and Instruments configuration,Execution of improvement works, kaizen works Develop and maintain inventories of electrical materials and 5 S control and implementation. Maintenance documentation and control Operatio
Greetings From Randstad ! Roles and Responsibilities Preventive and predictive maintenance of the electrical systems, conducting daily rounds and readingsUtility MaintenancePLC ProgrammingElectrical Control Pannels, wiring PLC Programming, Drive and Instruments configuration,Execution of improvement works, kaizen works Develop and maintain inventories of electrical materials and 5 S control and implementation. Maintenance documentation and control Operatio
descriptif du posteVous effectuerez des massages thérapeutiques sous eau, soins en piscine de mobilisation, rééducation respiratoire Vous effectuerez des massages de 10 minutes Egalement 10 minutes par actes en piscine de mobilisationCDD saisonnier pour 2025 recherché21€ brut/heure + 10% de congés payés (pas de précarité car cdd saisonnier)Contrat de travail du lundi au samedi inclus en amplitude 7h30 de 12h30 ou 12h45 (jour férié inclus) Toutes les après-
descriptif du posteVous effectuerez des massages thérapeutiques sous eau, soins en piscine de mobilisation, rééducation respiratoire Vous effectuerez des massages de 10 minutes Egalement 10 minutes par actes en piscine de mobilisationCDD saisonnier pour 2025 recherché21€ brut/heure + 10% de congés payés (pas de précarité car cdd saisonnier)Contrat de travail du lundi au samedi inclus en amplitude 7h30 de 12h30 ou 12h45 (jour férié inclus) Toutes les après-
React Native DeveloperExperience: 2- 4 yearsResponsibilities• Develop and maintain mobile applications using React Native.• Collaborate with cross-functional teams to implement new features.• Write clean, efficient, and maintainable code.• Troubleshoot and optimize application performance.• Stay updated with industry trends and best practices.Requirements• Proven experience as a React Native Developer.• Clear concepts about Expo.• Strong proficiency in Jav
React Native DeveloperExperience: 2- 4 yearsResponsibilities• Develop and maintain mobile applications using React Native.• Collaborate with cross-functional teams to implement new features.• Write clean, efficient, and maintainable code.• Troubleshoot and optimize application performance.• Stay updated with industry trends and best practices.Requirements• Proven experience as a React Native Developer.• Clear concepts about Expo.• Strong proficiency in Jav
Fullstack Engineer2-4 YearsKey Responsibilities:• Develop and maintain responsive web applications using React and Next.js.• Implement front-end solutions using TypeScript for type safety and scalability.• Work closely with back-end developers to integrate front-end interfaces with AWS services.• Utilize AWS services such as Cognito, CloudFront, CDK (Infrastructure as Code), AppSync(GraphQL), API Gateway (REST API), RDS, CloudWatch, and Lambda functions to
Fullstack Engineer2-4 YearsKey Responsibilities:• Develop and maintain responsive web applications using React and Next.js.• Implement front-end solutions using TypeScript for type safety and scalability.• Work closely with back-end developers to integrate front-end interfaces with AWS services.• Utilize AWS services such as Cognito, CloudFront, CDK (Infrastructure as Code), AppSync(GraphQL), API Gateway (REST API), RDS, CloudWatch, and Lambda functions to
Job Title: CCR Operator (Cement Industry)Location: [Location]Experience: 2-5 yearsQualification: Diploma/B.Tech in Mechanical, Electrical, or Chemical EngineeringWorking Days: 6 days per weekJob Summary:The CCR (Central Control Room) Operator will be responsible for overseeing the operations of the cement plant's control room and managing the efficient and smooth functioning of equipment and processes. This role requires technical expertise to monitor and
Job Title: CCR Operator (Cement Industry)Location: [Location]Experience: 2-5 yearsQualification: Diploma/B.Tech in Mechanical, Electrical, or Chemical EngineeringWorking Days: 6 days per weekJob Summary:The CCR (Central Control Room) Operator will be responsible for overseeing the operations of the cement plant's control room and managing the efficient and smooth functioning of equipment and processes. This role requires technical expertise to monitor and
Civil:-to supervise the construction work. Having knowledge of estimating & billing, payments.
Civil:-to supervise the construction work. Having knowledge of estimating & billing, payments.
EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS / SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES University degree or equivalent work experience Good understanding of the incident life cycle Exposure/knowledge of Change/ problem management processes Ability to make quick decisions Willing to work in a 24/7 environment in rotational shifts including night shifts A keen eye for detail and a result driven approach Effective analysis: Ability to listen, analyze and summarize. Awareness of ITIL is mand
EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS / SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES University degree or equivalent work experience Good understanding of the incident life cycle Exposure/knowledge of Change/ problem management processes Ability to make quick decisions Willing to work in a 24/7 environment in rotational shifts including night shifts A keen eye for detail and a result driven approach Effective analysis: Ability to listen, analyze and summarize. Awareness of ITIL is mand
Test Automation
1. Testing of Textile/Steel cord belts Cover Rubber - Tensile Strength, Elongation at break %, Abrasion loss, Hardness2. Testing of FTTS, Adhesion strength, Troughability. 3. Special Properties of belts - Flame test, Electrical resistivity, Drum friction test4. Testing of Steel cord belt - Cord pull out strength, peeling strength, Troughability5. Test report preparation of textile and steel cord conveyor belts on daily basis.6. Handling & maintaining equ
1. Testing of Textile/Steel cord belts Cover Rubber - Tensile Strength, Elongation at break %, Abrasion loss, Hardness2. Testing of FTTS, Adhesion strength, Troughability. 3. Special Properties of belts - Flame test, Electrical resistivity, Drum friction test4. Testing of Steel cord belt - Cord pull out strength, peeling strength, Troughability5. Test report preparation of textile and steel cord conveyor belts on daily basis.6. Handling & maintaining equ
Looking for engineers in civil, electrical and mechanical domain having experience in Erection and commissioning in wind project.
Looking for engineers in civil, electrical and mechanical domain having experience in Erection and commissioning in wind project.
Supervision of Erection, Installation, Testing & Commissioning work of Transformer, Inverter, modules and SCBs.Knowledge about of Piling/S, ICR, UCR, & MCR related drawing and according to drawing work.Inspecting the material received at site and ensuring its proper storage.Maintaining proper record of work & material at site and regular reporting.Maintaining strict quality control procedures and conducting regular inspection& testing of work and material.
Supervision of Erection, Installation, Testing & Commissioning work of Transformer, Inverter, modules and SCBs.Knowledge about of Piling/S, ICR, UCR, & MCR related drawing and according to drawing work.Inspecting the material received at site and ensuring its proper storage.Maintaining proper record of work & material at site and regular reporting.Maintaining strict quality control procedures and conducting regular inspection& testing of work and material.
Execution of Land levelling & grading, Pile marking, pile auguring, pile casting, MMS work, Module installation. Knowledge of Wind Foundation Casting piling, Module Mounting Structure works. Plan & Execute Civil Works construction in coordination with contractors.● Supervise & check the Quality & Safety work of the manpower of Contractor.● Responsible for all Civil related activites at site of Project.● Preparing project related document.
Execution of Land levelling & grading, Pile marking, pile auguring, pile casting, MMS work, Module installation. Knowledge of Wind Foundation Casting piling, Module Mounting Structure works. Plan & Execute Civil Works construction in coordination with contractors.● Supervise & check the Quality & Safety work of the manpower of Contractor.● Responsible for all Civil related activites at site of Project.● Preparing project related document.
(a) Minimum Educational Qualifications: • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Applications (BCA), IT, Business Administration (BBA), Commerce (B.Com), or B. Tech Computer Science, IT and allied trades with relevant experience. (b) Experience: • Prior experience in office administration and management, bill processing, accounting (Tally) KYC processing, or related fields. • Technical Proficiency: Proficiency in Office 365, Tally, programming, designing, etc. depe
(a) Minimum Educational Qualifications: • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Applications (BCA), IT, Business Administration (BBA), Commerce (B.Com), or B. Tech Computer Science, IT and allied trades with relevant experience. (b) Experience: • Prior experience in office administration and management, bill processing, accounting (Tally) KYC processing, or related fields. • Technical Proficiency: Proficiency in Office 365, Tally, programming, designing, etc. depe
Civil Engineer,B.E /Diploma in Civil Engineering. Experience in construction and site engineering of Industrial Plant /Factories. Location: Navi Mumbai Job Type: 2 year contract
Civil Engineer,B.E /Diploma in Civil Engineering. Experience in construction and site engineering of Industrial Plant /Factories. Location: Navi Mumbai Job Type: 2 year contract