社名社名非公開職種その他(オープンポジションなど)業務内容▪施術、予約管理、備品管理カルテ作成などのヘルスキーパー業務を担当していただきます。【正社員登用制度】なし【契約更新の有無】あり【契約更新の判断基準】勤務態度、出勤状況等【契約更新上限の有無】あり (契約の更新回数は4回を上限とする)【業務内容の変更範囲】なし【就業場所の変更範囲】なし選考フロー:書類選考⇒面接2回求められる経験▪ヘルスキーパーの経験▪あん摩マッサージ指圧師資格必須保険健康保険,厚生年金保険,雇用保険,労災保険休日休暇日曜日,土曜日,祝日年間休日122日、年末年始休暇(12/29~1/4)、夏期休暇(2日)、有給休暇:初年度10日(入社3ヵ月後に付与、最大20日)給与年収300 ~ 360万円賞与無し雇用期間期間の定めなし
社名社名非公開職種その他(オープンポジションなど)業務内容▪施術、予約管理、備品管理カルテ作成などのヘルスキーパー業務を担当していただきます。【正社員登用制度】なし【契約更新の有無】あり【契約更新の判断基準】勤務態度、出勤状況等【契約更新上限の有無】あり (契約の更新回数は4回を上限とする)【業務内容の変更範囲】なし【就業場所の変更範囲】なし選考フロー:書類選考⇒面接2回求められる経験▪ヘルスキーパーの経験▪あん摩マッサージ指圧師資格必須保険健康保険,厚生年金保険,雇用保険,労災保険休日休暇日曜日,土曜日,祝日年間休日122日、年末年始休暇(12/29~1/4)、夏期休暇(2日)、有給休暇:初年度10日(入社3ヵ月後に付与、最大20日)給与年収300 ~ 360万円賞与無し雇用期間期間の定めなし
Electricians role in ensuring the safe installation, maintenance, and repair of electrical systems at Toll Plaza and Project Site.
Electricians role in ensuring the safe installation, maintenance, and repair of electrical systems at Toll Plaza and Project Site.
KEY RESPONSIBILITIES / DUTIES: Match the trades between Invesco and Brokers and liaise with broker forunconfirmed & mismatch of trades. Research on discrepancies with trading desks, custodians and brokers to facilitatetimely and accurate settlement of trades. Report and track fail trades with broker, custodian and communicate toappropriate Internal teams. Capture performance of Brokers related to confirmation and settlement of tradeand produce Analysis
KEY RESPONSIBILITIES / DUTIES: Match the trades between Invesco and Brokers and liaise with broker forunconfirmed & mismatch of trades. Research on discrepancies with trading desks, custodians and brokers to facilitatetimely and accurate settlement of trades. Report and track fail trades with broker, custodian and communicate toappropriate Internal teams. Capture performance of Brokers related to confirmation and settlement of tradeand produce Analysis
職種清掃勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\20~60代活躍中!/しゅふさんも活躍しています♪ [こんな方にオススメ]・家庭や趣味と両立したい・久しぶりにお仕事する方・無理なく短時間で働きたい [仕事内容]・食器を種類毎に分ける・食洗機にお皿やカップをセット・洗い終わった食器を回収・汚れが落ちたか確認しながら拭く・ケースにしまうなど☆事前の職場見学で環境を確認できます☆JR最寄駅より徒歩圏内☆無料駐車場完備。マイカー通勤もOK!派遣先の特徴老若男女問わず様々な方が働いています。最寄駅新千歳空港(鉄道)駅(徒歩8分)南千歳駅(車5分)千歳(北海道)駅(車10分)休日休暇土日祝日土日祝の他、シフトで平日1日休み ※平日休み、週4日勤務もOK就業時間(1)9:00-15:00(実働5時間00分・休憩60分)(2)10:00-16:00(実働5時間00分・休憩60分)
職種清掃勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\20~60代活躍中!/しゅふさんも活躍しています♪ [こんな方にオススメ]・家庭や趣味と両立したい・久しぶりにお仕事する方・無理なく短時間で働きたい [仕事内容]・食器を種類毎に分ける・食洗機にお皿やカップをセット・洗い終わった食器を回収・汚れが落ちたか確認しながら拭く・ケースにしまうなど☆事前の職場見学で環境を確認できます☆JR最寄駅より徒歩圏内☆無料駐車場完備。マイカー通勤もOK!派遣先の特徴老若男女問わず様々な方が働いています。最寄駅新千歳空港(鉄道)駅(徒歩8分)南千歳駅(車5分)千歳(北海道)駅(車10分)休日休暇土日祝日土日祝の他、シフトで平日1日休み ※平日休み、週4日勤務もOK就業時間(1)9:00-15:00(実働5時間00分・休憩60分)(2)10:00-16:00(実働5時間00分・休憩60分)
Job responsibilities of a technical writer: Creating technical documentation that translates complex system engineeringconcepts into clear, concise, and easy-to-understand language for variousaudiences. Collaborating with engineers and other technical staff to gather and analyze productinformation and system operations. Writing and maintaining user guides, integration guides, API developer guides, andother forms of documentation to enhance user experien
Job responsibilities of a technical writer: Creating technical documentation that translates complex system engineeringconcepts into clear, concise, and easy-to-understand language for variousaudiences. Collaborating with engineers and other technical staff to gather and analyze productinformation and system operations. Writing and maintaining user guides, integration guides, API developer guides, andother forms of documentation to enhance user experien
社名社名非公開職種その他(オープンポジションなど)業務内容これまでの経験・キャリア、スキルを拝見し、幅広く配属先や業務内容を検討します。【契約更新の有無】あり【契約更新の判断基準】期間満了時の業務量、勤務成績・態度、業務遂行能力、会社の経営状況、業務の進捗状況【契約更新上限の有無】あり(通算契約期間は5年を上限とする)【業務内容の変更範囲】会社が定める業務【就業場所の変更範囲】なし選考プロセス:書類選考⇒一次面接⇒二次面接(部長)⇒最終面接(役員)※募集部署により四次面接がある可能性もあり求められる経験■必須条件▪基本的なPC操作(Excel・Word・PowerPoint等)が可能な方 ▪社内外の対応が可能な方■歓迎条件▪宅建をお持ちの方保険健康保険,厚生年金保険,雇用保険,労災保険待遇・福利厚生正社員登用制度有り、産前産後休暇、育児休業、介護休業 、財形貯蓄、住宅購入補助、教育資金貸付、リフレッシュ休暇、ベネフィット・ワン、カフェテリアプラン等、受動喫煙対策:屋内禁煙(喫煙室有り)・敷地内禁煙、賃金締切
社名社名非公開職種その他(オープンポジションなど)業務内容これまでの経験・キャリア、スキルを拝見し、幅広く配属先や業務内容を検討します。【契約更新の有無】あり【契約更新の判断基準】期間満了時の業務量、勤務成績・態度、業務遂行能力、会社の経営状況、業務の進捗状況【契約更新上限の有無】あり(通算契約期間は5年を上限とする)【業務内容の変更範囲】会社が定める業務【就業場所の変更範囲】なし選考プロセス:書類選考⇒一次面接⇒二次面接(部長)⇒最終面接(役員)※募集部署により四次面接がある可能性もあり求められる経験■必須条件▪基本的なPC操作(Excel・Word・PowerPoint等)が可能な方 ▪社内外の対応が可能な方■歓迎条件▪宅建をお持ちの方保険健康保険,厚生年金保険,雇用保険,労災保険待遇・福利厚生正社員登用制度有り、産前産後休暇、育児休業、介護休業 、財形貯蓄、住宅購入補助、教育資金貸付、リフレッシュ休暇、ベネフィット・ワン、カフェテリアプラン等、受動喫煙対策:屋内禁煙(喫煙室有り)・敷地内禁煙、賃金締切
社名社名非公開職種その他(オープンポジションなど)業務内容■主な業務内容当社は、従業員が疲れを癒し前向きに仕事に取り組めるよう、マッサージルームを完備しております。今回の募集ではそのマッサージ師の業務とファシリティ業務のサポートをお任せいたします。▪健康に関する従業員へのサービス企画運営、健康情報の発信など▪按摩・マッサージ・指圧などを中心としたマッサージ業務▪その他、マッサージ業務に付随する事務作業あり▪書類作成・処理▪請求書対応▪ファイリング▪オフィス・施設管理 ▪総務関連の仕事▪郵便物の発送・仕分け ▪社内外の電話・メール対応【正社員登用制度】なし【契約更新の有無】あり【契約更新の判断基準】期間満了時の業務量、勤務成績・態度、業務遂行能力、会社の経営状況、業務の進捗状況【契約更新上限の有無】【業務内容の変更範囲】【就業場所の変更範囲】変更予定なし選考プロセス:書類選考⇒人事部採用担当面接⇒People Operations Manager面接⇒人事部長面接⇒内定求められる経験<必須スキル>▪マッサージ
社名社名非公開職種その他(オープンポジションなど)業務内容■主な業務内容当社は、従業員が疲れを癒し前向きに仕事に取り組めるよう、マッサージルームを完備しております。今回の募集ではそのマッサージ師の業務とファシリティ業務のサポートをお任せいたします。▪健康に関する従業員へのサービス企画運営、健康情報の発信など▪按摩・マッサージ・指圧などを中心としたマッサージ業務▪その他、マッサージ業務に付随する事務作業あり▪書類作成・処理▪請求書対応▪ファイリング▪オフィス・施設管理 ▪総務関連の仕事▪郵便物の発送・仕分け ▪社内外の電話・メール対応【正社員登用制度】なし【契約更新の有無】あり【契約更新の判断基準】期間満了時の業務量、勤務成績・態度、業務遂行能力、会社の経営状況、業務の進捗状況【契約更新上限の有無】【業務内容の変更範囲】【就業場所の変更範囲】変更予定なし選考プロセス:書類選考⇒人事部採用担当面接⇒People Operations Manager面接⇒人事部長面接⇒内定求められる経験<必須スキル>▪マッサージ
Lift Installer Elevator Service and Installation
Lift Installer Elevator Service and Installation
Electricians role in ensuring the safe installationmaintenancerepair of electrical systems at Toll Plaza and Project Site.
Electricians role in ensuring the safe installationmaintenancerepair of electrical systems at Toll Plaza and Project Site.
A territory sales manager, or territory sales incharge, is responsible for sales operations and meeting sales goals in a specific geographic area. Their responsibilities include: Sales planningCreating sales strategies, setting sales plans, and mapping out daily sales activity TrainingTraining sales representatives and analyzing data to determine training needs Customer relationsNurturing existing customers, addressing their concerns, and cultivating good
A territory sales manager, or territory sales incharge, is responsible for sales operations and meeting sales goals in a specific geographic area. Their responsibilities include: Sales planningCreating sales strategies, setting sales plans, and mapping out daily sales activity TrainingTraining sales representatives and analyzing data to determine training needs Customer relationsNurturing existing customers, addressing their concerns, and cultivating good
Job Responsibilities: Responsible for generating sales for the entire Vista product range This role would have the following key objectives –o Ensure high degree of engagement with distributors & retailers to ensuremindshare and sales for Vista productso Indentify and recommend distributors/retailers in allotted territoryo Work closely with distributors and retailers in developing the retail segment,doing on the ground activities, road-shows, promotions
Job Responsibilities: Responsible for generating sales for the entire Vista product range This role would have the following key objectives –o Ensure high degree of engagement with distributors & retailers to ensuremindshare and sales for Vista productso Indentify and recommend distributors/retailers in allotted territoryo Work closely with distributors and retailers in developing the retail segment,doing on the ground activities, road-shows, promotions
Job Profile :- -Age limit under 35 Years.-Qualification- Graduate, for experienced candidate we can consider SSC.-Job responsibilities. Cover retail O/Ls -40/day, effectivity should be above 50% (productive calls).-Minimum exp..above 1 years of fmcg sale.-Salary take home INR20000 to INR 30000 (For experience candidate or special cases it should be above 25000 to 32000).-DA/TA..250/day.-Must achieved monthly sales tgt.
Job Profile :- -Age limit under 35 Years.-Qualification- Graduate, for experienced candidate we can consider SSC.-Job responsibilities. Cover retail O/Ls -40/day, effectivity should be above 50% (productive calls).-Minimum exp..above 1 years of fmcg sale.-Salary take home INR20000 to INR 30000 (For experience candidate or special cases it should be above 25000 to 32000).-DA/TA..250/day.-Must achieved monthly sales tgt.
Distributor meetingOnboarding ,Lead generating
Distributor meetingOnboarding ,Lead generating
Greetings from Randstad ! Fleet Techncian servicing, supervisor, Inspection with tyres Tyres industries
Greetings from Randstad ! Fleet Techncian servicing, supervisor, Inspection with tyres Tyres industries
DOCO SALES EXECUTIVE:Job Description – It is a field job.1. Sales: Achieve value sales of the assigned store(s).2. Demand Generation Activities: Working with the Influencers to generate demand for the brand3. Store Upkeep: Maintaining store hygiene, stock management, etc.4. Project/ Institutional Sales: Working on projects/ institutions in the assigned geography and generating sales by converting sitesSalary Component:Net Take Home: 15
DOCO SALES EXECUTIVE:Job Description – It is a field job.1. Sales: Achieve value sales of the assigned store(s).2. Demand Generation Activities: Working with the Influencers to generate demand for the brand3. Store Upkeep: Maintaining store hygiene, stock management, etc.4. Project/ Institutional Sales: Working on projects/ institutions in the assigned geography and generating sales by converting sitesSalary Component:Net Take Home: 15
Job Description – It is a field sales job.1. Sales: Achieve value sales of the assigned store(s).2. Demand Generation Activities: Working with the Influencers to generate demand for the brand3. Store Upkeep: Maintaining store hygiene, stock management, etc.4. Project/ Institutional Sales: Working on projects/ institutions in the assigned geography and generating sales by converting sites
Job Description – It is a field sales job.1. Sales: Achieve value sales of the assigned store(s).2. Demand Generation Activities: Working with the Influencers to generate demand for the brand3. Store Upkeep: Maintaining store hygiene, stock management, etc.4. Project/ Institutional Sales: Working on projects/ institutions in the assigned geography and generating sales by converting sites
Clicking images from personal mobile device - not meant for end-usersMotorcycle Health checkup based on the checklistCreate and submit health checkup reports on a daily basis
Clicking images from personal mobile device - not meant for end-usersMotorcycle Health checkup based on the checklistCreate and submit health checkup reports on a daily basis
Job DescriptionJob DetailsRole Technical BusinessDevelopment OfficerDesignation / GradeFunction Grouping Sales Function Demand Generation/Secondary SalesLocation Reporting to Technical Sales LeadFunctional ReportingTeam leader (Yes /No) No Job codeTravel (Frequent/Moderate / Occasional) FrequentKey ResponsibilitiesTechnical Business Development Officer will focus on improving and strengthening Secondary Sales through Identify, recruit and engage with maso
Job DescriptionJob DetailsRole Technical BusinessDevelopment OfficerDesignation / GradeFunction Grouping Sales Function Demand Generation/Secondary SalesLocation Reporting to Technical Sales LeadFunctional ReportingTeam leader (Yes /No) No Job codeTravel (Frequent/Moderate / Occasional) FrequentKey ResponsibilitiesTechnical Business Development Officer will focus on improving and strengthening Secondary Sales through Identify, recruit and engage with maso
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Sicilia
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Sicilia
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Sicilia
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Sicilia
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Triveneto
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Triveneto
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Sicilia
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Sicilia
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Sicilia
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Sicilia
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Triveneto
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Triveneto
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Triveneto
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Triveneto
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Triveneto
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Triveneto
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Triveneto
Randstad Italia, divisione Agenti, in partnership con Agenti FNAARC, ricerca per conto di una storica realtà italiana specializzata nel settore agricoltura, formulati e concimi per la coltivazione un:AGENTE DI COMMERCIO - SETTORE AGRICOLTURA PROFESSIONALESi offre:contratto in p.iva come Agente Plurimandatario;contributo economico fisso e provvigioni competitive sul mercato.Zona di lavoro: Triveneto
Maintenance Workers fix and maintain mechanical equipment. They also care for flooring repairs and upkeep on buildings' roofs while ensuring that electricity continues to function as it should be. What makes a Good Maintenance Worker? Good Maintenance Workers have an eye for detail.
Maintenance Workers fix and maintain mechanical equipment. They also care for flooring repairs and upkeep on buildings' roofs while ensuring that electricity continues to function as it should be. What makes a Good Maintenance Worker? Good Maintenance Workers have an eye for detail.
inspecting equipment, performing repairs, and cleaning facilities:
inspecting equipment, performing repairs, and cleaning facilities:
Job Title: Support Services Representative Department: Professional Services REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS Position Reports To: Manager, Customer Service & Contact Center Department/Positions Supervised: NA Position Overview/Purpose: The Support Services Specialist is responsible for providing high level of customer support and troubleshooting assistance for all Sensitech products, services and solutions. This position provides effective diagnostic eval
Job Title: Support Services Representative Department: Professional Services REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS Position Reports To: Manager, Customer Service & Contact Center Department/Positions Supervised: NA Position Overview/Purpose: The Support Services Specialist is responsible for providing high level of customer support and troubleshooting assistance for all Sensitech products, services and solutions. This position provides effective diagnostic eval