81 information technology jobs found in Shanghai

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    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY480,000 - CNY720,000 per year
    关于职位 1. 市场研究与分析:负责进行市场研究,分析竞争对手,识别客户需求和市场趋势,以指导产品开发和市场策略2. 产品战略与市场定位:负责定义和实施公司一层电路产品战略,包括市场定位、目标客户群和定价策略。3. 产品开发与项目管理:负责管理公司一层电路产品开发项目,确保按时按预算完成,并符合所有技术规范。4. 市场推广与销售合作:负责制定和执行市场推广计划,与销售和市场部门合作,推动产品销售。5. 全球网络规划:熟悉全球海缆系统及国际运营商,能够根据市场需求合理规划和优化全球骨干网络的海缆组网。6. 行业解决方案:针对不同行业场景,完成市场调研分析并输出有竞争力的行业解决方案。7. 文档撰写与沟通:编写产品文档,确保售前、售后、销售团队对产品价值有充分理解。 8. 技术支持与培训:提供技术支持和培训给销售团队,帮助他们更好地理解和推广产品。 技能和经验要求1. 本科或以上学历,通信工程、计算机、电子信息等相关专业;2. 三年以上光网络方面的工作经验,不限传输设备、设计和运维等经验;3. 熟悉云计算、SD
    关于职位 1. 市场研究与分析:负责进行市场研究,分析竞争对手,识别客户需求和市场趋势,以指导产品开发和市场策略2. 产品战略与市场定位:负责定义和实施公司一层电路产品战略,包括市场定位、目标客户群和定价策略。3. 产品开发与项目管理:负责管理公司一层电路产品开发项目,确保按时按预算完成,并符合所有技术规范。4. 市场推广与销售合作:负责制定和执行市场推广计划,与销售和市场部门合作,推动产品销售。5. 全球网络规划:熟悉全球海缆系统及国际运营商,能够根据市场需求合理规划和优化全球骨干网络的海缆组网。6. 行业解决方案:针对不同行业场景,完成市场调研分析并输出有竞争力的行业解决方案。7. 文档撰写与沟通:编写产品文档,确保售前、售后、销售团队对产品价值有充分理解。 8. 技术支持与培训:提供技术支持和培训给销售团队,帮助他们更好地理解和推广产品。 技能和经验要求1. 本科或以上学历,通信工程、计算机、电子信息等相关专业;2. 三年以上光网络方面的工作经验,不限传输设备、设计和运维等经验;3. 熟悉云计算、SD
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY480,000 - CNY720,000 per year
    关于职位1、电路建设与维护:负责电路的建设、验收、维护及变更管理,为业务需求方提供电路方面的技术支持。2、故障处理:迅速诊断并解决电路运行中的故障,确保系统的稳定运行和服务的连续性。3、应急事件管理:响应和处理电路相关的应急事件。4、电路问题管理:实施问题排查分析,检查缺陷,防范运行风险。5、供应商沟通:建立供应商沟通渠道,定期组织供应商制定和实施技术优化方案,持续优化电路运行质量。6、技术文档编制:负责编制电路的各类技术文档和运行报告。技能和经验要求1、教育背景:光纤及通信、自动化等相关专业本科或硕士学历。2、语言能力:英语六级,具备良好的口头和书面表达能力。3、技术专长:•  精通SDH、MSTP、PTN、DWDM、OTN等传输技术。•  熟悉大型网络系统及其维护。•  具有大型网络的规划、设计、运维及优化经验。4、工作经验:•  5年以上国际电路行业从业经验。•  具有国际电信运营商背景者优先。•  熟悉与国际运营商的协作和沟通流程。5、网络知识:了解TCP/IP协议、OSPF、ISIS、BGP等常用
    关于职位1、电路建设与维护:负责电路的建设、验收、维护及变更管理,为业务需求方提供电路方面的技术支持。2、故障处理:迅速诊断并解决电路运行中的故障,确保系统的稳定运行和服务的连续性。3、应急事件管理:响应和处理电路相关的应急事件。4、电路问题管理:实施问题排查分析,检查缺陷,防范运行风险。5、供应商沟通:建立供应商沟通渠道,定期组织供应商制定和实施技术优化方案,持续优化电路运行质量。6、技术文档编制:负责编制电路的各类技术文档和运行报告。技能和经验要求1、教育背景:光纤及通信、自动化等相关专业本科或硕士学历。2、语言能力:英语六级,具备良好的口头和书面表达能力。3、技术专长:•  精通SDH、MSTP、PTN、DWDM、OTN等传输技术。•  熟悉大型网络系统及其维护。•  具有大型网络的规划、设计、运维及优化经验。4、工作经验:•  5年以上国际电路行业从业经验。•  具有国际电信运营商背景者优先。•  熟悉与国际运营商的协作和沟通流程。5、网络知识:了解TCP/IP协议、OSPF、ISIS、BGP等常用
    • shanghai, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY10,000 - CNY20,000 per month
    行政助理职位描述:1. 负责公司来访人员接待,电话接听,信息传达,快递签收等;2. 会议接待,包括会议室准备、整理使用等;3. 负责日常行政事务维护管理,包括办公用品采购发放、快递核算,以及办公环境管理等日常维护等;4. 对接物业相关事宜,及时结算房租、物业费等相关费用;5. 协助公司固定资产的盘点;6. 开发并维护供应商资源、相关合同签署;7. 协助筹备与执行员工团建;8. 负责员工公寓管理,包括入退住登记、支付公寓相关费用、日常维护等;9. 其他行政相关协助工作。任职要求:1. 大专及以上学历,有两年以上前台或行政岗位工作经验优先;2. 熟练使用Office办公软件及办公自动化设备,普通话标准;3. 具有良好的沟通、协调、表达能力,做事细致有耐心,待人礼貌周到,服务意识强。上班时间:9:30-19:00 (中午午休1.5小时,周一至周五,周末双休)
    行政助理职位描述:1. 负责公司来访人员接待,电话接听,信息传达,快递签收等;2. 会议接待,包括会议室准备、整理使用等;3. 负责日常行政事务维护管理,包括办公用品采购发放、快递核算,以及办公环境管理等日常维护等;4. 对接物业相关事宜,及时结算房租、物业费等相关费用;5. 协助公司固定资产的盘点;6. 开发并维护供应商资源、相关合同签署;7. 协助筹备与执行员工团建;8. 负责员工公寓管理,包括入退住登记、支付公寓相关费用、日常维护等;9. 其他行政相关协助工作。任职要求:1. 大专及以上学历,有两年以上前台或行政岗位工作经验优先;2. 熟练使用Office办公软件及办公自动化设备,普通话标准;3. 具有良好的沟通、协调、表达能力,做事细致有耐心,待人礼貌周到,服务意识强。上班时间:9:30-19:00 (中午午休1.5小时,周一至周五,周末双休)
    • shanghai, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY10,000 - CNY20,000 per month
    岗位职责:1. 负责半导体加热带的开发工作,特别是机台端加热带的产品研发,根据客户需求以及工艺条件,制定加热带的方案和布局设计、加热功率计算、结构设计和制定 BOM 清单,确保温度均匀性、准确性和颗粒物数量均可满足客户需求,并制定试验清单,确保满足性能和寿命要求;2. 负责推进加热带的系列平台开发工作,包括产品开发及试验验证等;3. 负责加热带的热功率及热交换计算,准确提出热交换的仿真计算需求;4. 负责制定加热带产品的规范制定,以及零部件的技术规范要求等;5. 负责加热带的产品结构设计,输出技术图纸以及 BOM 清单等;6. 协调和推进加热带、PID 控制和总控仪的系统集成开发;7. 支持加热带生产和客户现场安装测试等,与生产部门一起建立机台加热带的制造工艺;8. 负责加热带的 CE\UL\SEMI S2 的认证工作;任职资格:1. 机电一体化, 机械电子,控制,机械与动力,电气,热能工程等相关专业背景,本科及以上学历;2. 具有机台端加热带产品的开发经验,熟悉产品技术规范、材料、试验验证和应用技术等;3
    岗位职责:1. 负责半导体加热带的开发工作,特别是机台端加热带的产品研发,根据客户需求以及工艺条件,制定加热带的方案和布局设计、加热功率计算、结构设计和制定 BOM 清单,确保温度均匀性、准确性和颗粒物数量均可满足客户需求,并制定试验清单,确保满足性能和寿命要求;2. 负责推进加热带的系列平台开发工作,包括产品开发及试验验证等;3. 负责加热带的热功率及热交换计算,准确提出热交换的仿真计算需求;4. 负责制定加热带产品的规范制定,以及零部件的技术规范要求等;5. 负责加热带的产品结构设计,输出技术图纸以及 BOM 清单等;6. 协调和推进加热带、PID 控制和总控仪的系统集成开发;7. 支持加热带生产和客户现场安装测试等,与生产部门一起建立机台加热带的制造工艺;8. 负责加热带的 CE\UL\SEMI S2 的认证工作;任职资格:1. 机电一体化, 机械电子,控制,机械与动力,电气,热能工程等相关专业背景,本科及以上学历;2. 具有机台端加热带产品的开发经验,熟悉产品技术规范、材料、试验验证和应用技术等;3
    • shanghai, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY10,000 - CNY20,000 per month
    职位描述:1. 根据公司主要传感器产品特点,确定潜在目标行业及客户,协助销售人员完成客户端沟通及主导技术交流介绍;2. 根据客户反馈需求,完成内部沟通协调工作并最终形成销售;3. 负责相关销售产品良率等质量信息的跟踪和处理,建立文档并向上级提交反馈信息。确保研发流程全闭环;4. 与设计人员合作,开展关于产品竞争对象的竞争力分析市场调研报告工作;5. 参与测试验证环境的搭建和维护。任职要求:1. 测量控制、传感器应用设计、芯片PCB电路设计等相关专业。本科及以上学历,5-10年相关从业经历。2. 具备电子工程、计算机科学、仪器仪表、等专业知识。有英文产品资料(规格书)阅读能力。3. 具有良好的行动力和抗压能力,主动性强,较强的责任感和敬业精神。
    职位描述:1. 根据公司主要传感器产品特点,确定潜在目标行业及客户,协助销售人员完成客户端沟通及主导技术交流介绍;2. 根据客户反馈需求,完成内部沟通协调工作并最终形成销售;3. 负责相关销售产品良率等质量信息的跟踪和处理,建立文档并向上级提交反馈信息。确保研发流程全闭环;4. 与设计人员合作,开展关于产品竞争对象的竞争力分析市场调研报告工作;5. 参与测试验证环境的搭建和维护。任职要求:1. 测量控制、传感器应用设计、芯片PCB电路设计等相关专业。本科及以上学历,5-10年相关从业经历。2. 具备电子工程、计算机科学、仪器仪表、等专业知识。有英文产品资料(规格书)阅读能力。3. 具有良好的行动力和抗压能力,主动性强,较强的责任感和敬业精神。
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY500,000 - CNY1,000,000 per year
    关于职位1.In charge of business improvements and give solutions to key business issues of product development area.2.Working together with business team and 3rd party partners like global PLM solution providers, and apparel factories to make business solutions.3.Lead system vendors to fulfill the business requirements with high quality IT systems.4.Periodically knowledge sharing with global IT team members and cultivate junior members.技能和经验要求1.Leadership/Tough
    关于职位1.In charge of business improvements and give solutions to key business issues of product development area.2.Working together with business team and 3rd party partners like global PLM solution providers, and apparel factories to make business solutions.3.Lead system vendors to fulfill the business requirements with high quality IT systems.4.Periodically knowledge sharing with global IT team members and cultivate junior members.技能和经验要求1.Leadership/Tough
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY600,000 - CNY1,000,000 per year
    关于职位1.In charge of business improvements and give solutions to key business issues of product development area,2.Working closely with designers and 3rd party partners like global PLM solution providers, and apparel factories to make business solutions.3.Lead system vendors to fulfill the business requirements with high quality IT systems.4.Periodically knowledge sharing with global IT team members and cultivate junior members.技能和经验要求1.Leadership/Toughness/
    关于职位1.In charge of business improvements and give solutions to key business issues of product development area,2.Working closely with designers and 3rd party partners like global PLM solution providers, and apparel factories to make business solutions.3.Lead system vendors to fulfill the business requirements with high quality IT systems.4.Periodically knowledge sharing with global IT team members and cultivate junior members.技能和经验要求1.Leadership/Toughness/
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY360,000 - CNY480,000 per year
    about the company.头部互联网公司about the team.产品about the job.1. 制定并各业务线产品规划,包括资源管理、前端设计和订单系统等。2. 与供应链、服务、研发等团队配合,围绕客户诉求持续优化产品体验,提升系统效率;3. 通过数挖掘产品功能,根据用户反馈和线上数据及时调整产品策略和功能设计,提升产品竞争力; skills and experience required.1. 全面的产品设计能力,具有前端产品设计的敏锐度以及中后台产品的架构能力2. 具有出色的项目管理和团队合作能力,能够协调跨部门团队,推动产品开发和推广。3. 对市场趋势和产品创新有敏锐的洞察力,能够制定创新的产品战略。4. 数据分析能力,建立数据体系,发现数据背后的系统问题
    about the company.头部互联网公司about the team.产品about the job.1. 制定并各业务线产品规划,包括资源管理、前端设计和订单系统等。2. 与供应链、服务、研发等团队配合,围绕客户诉求持续优化产品体验,提升系统效率;3. 通过数挖掘产品功能,根据用户反馈和线上数据及时调整产品策略和功能设计,提升产品竞争力; skills and experience required.1. 全面的产品设计能力,具有前端产品设计的敏锐度以及中后台产品的架构能力2. 具有出色的项目管理和团队合作能力,能够协调跨部门团队,推动产品开发和推广。3. 对市场趋势和产品创新有敏锐的洞察力,能够制定创新的产品战略。4. 数据分析能力,建立数据体系,发现数据背后的系统问题
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    about the company.Leading renewables industrial companyabout the job.Work closely with multible department to develop technical solutions to support business (from conception to requirements gathering, analysis and design, solution development, and deployment)skills and experience required.At least 2 years of professional experience in full lifecycle & full stack (more front end + less back end) application integration and developmentBachelor’s degree in C
    about the company.Leading renewables industrial companyabout the job.Work closely with multible department to develop technical solutions to support business (from conception to requirements gathering, analysis and design, solution development, and deployment)skills and experience required.At least 2 years of professional experience in full lifecycle & full stack (more front end + less back end) application integration and developmentBachelor’s degree in C
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY300,000 - CNY800,000 per year
    As a Software Engineer, you will be developing software to bring our next generation of wearables to life, including our industry leading Bluetooth noise cancelling headphones, our new line of Audio Sunglasses, and other innovative wearable form factors. You will work collaboratively with a group of world class engineers and user interface designers to engineer our next generation software architecture and deliver astonishing new wearable products to marke
    As a Software Engineer, you will be developing software to bring our next generation of wearables to life, including our industry leading Bluetooth noise cancelling headphones, our new line of Audio Sunglasses, and other innovative wearable form factors. You will work collaboratively with a group of world class engineers and user interface designers to engineer our next generation software architecture and deliver astonishing new wearable products to marke
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY300,000 - CNY800,000 per year
    As an Embedded Software Engineer, you will be developing software to bring our next generation of wearables to life, including our industry leading Bluetooth noise cancelling headphones, our new line of Audio Sunglasses, and other innovative wearable form factors. You will work collaboratively with a group of world class engineers and user interface designers to engineer our next generation software architecture and deliver astonishing new wearable product
    As an Embedded Software Engineer, you will be developing software to bring our next generation of wearables to life, including our industry leading Bluetooth noise cancelling headphones, our new line of Audio Sunglasses, and other innovative wearable form factors. You will work collaboratively with a group of world class engineers and user interface designers to engineer our next generation software architecture and deliver astonishing new wearable product
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY450,000 - CNY630,000 per year
    关于职位To lead business improvement and deployment of system change. Improve processes to avoid recurring issues, and stabilize support needsAs member of global IT team,analyze and enhance system to realize requirement from Finance teamCoordinate with business and vender to ensure projects can be completed on time and reach goalsWill have opportunity to re-locate to Japan Tokyo after few years working in Shanghai技能和经验要求Bachelor's degree in Business, Computer
    关于职位To lead business improvement and deployment of system change. Improve processes to avoid recurring issues, and stabilize support needsAs member of global IT team,analyze and enhance system to realize requirement from Finance teamCoordinate with business and vender to ensure projects can be completed on time and reach goalsWill have opportunity to re-locate to Japan Tokyo after few years working in Shanghai技能和经验要求Bachelor's degree in Business, Computer
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY216,000 - CNY300,000 per year
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY500,000 - CNY550,000 per year
    关于职位▪ Implement and improve Procure to pay or OTC(Order to Cash) Logistic SAP flows.Collect, analyze anddocument the customer requirements.▪ Implement standard solutions rather than specific ones wherever possible.▪ Write and maintain functional specifications, development specifications and solution documentation.▪ Take part in the creation of solutions, their implementation and integration, their support and evolution.▪ Define the tests and build documen
    关于职位▪ Implement and improve Procure to pay or OTC(Order to Cash) Logistic SAP flows.Collect, analyze anddocument the customer requirements.▪ Implement standard solutions rather than specific ones wherever possible.▪ Write and maintain functional specifications, development specifications and solution documentation.▪ Take part in the creation of solutions, their implementation and integration, their support and evolution.▪ Define the tests and build documen
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY400,000 - CNY500,000 per year
    about the job.Responsible for managing Global Security Operations Center (SOC), including daily operations, operations processes, operations quality, and team resources.Responsible for detection and response related tools’ operations, change request and effectiveness improvement.Responsible for Vulnerability management, including but not limited to Vulnerability lifecycle from Finding, Scanning, Track until closure.Negotiate terms and conditions with vendo
    about the job.Responsible for managing Global Security Operations Center (SOC), including daily operations, operations processes, operations quality, and team resources.Responsible for detection and response related tools’ operations, change request and effectiveness improvement.Responsible for Vulnerability management, including but not limited to Vulnerability lifecycle from Finding, Scanning, Track until closure.Negotiate terms and conditions with vendo
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY400,000 - CNY500,000 per year
    about the company.A multinational manufacturing industryabout the job.1. Cross-functional cooperation with business units to achieve common business objectives and ensure open and efficient cooperation. 2. Ensure and improve efficiency in the delivery of departmental tasks, activities and objectives through personnel. 3. Strive to align the systems provided with the corresponding business processes to support our business organization to increase profitabi
    about the company.A multinational manufacturing industryabout the job.1. Cross-functional cooperation with business units to achieve common business objectives and ensure open and efficient cooperation. 2. Ensure and improve efficiency in the delivery of departmental tasks, activities and objectives through personnel. 3. Strive to align the systems provided with the corresponding business processes to support our business organization to increase profitabi
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY800,000 - CNY1,000,000 per year
    about the job.1. Analyze customer needs, formulate and review supply chain solutions based on customer needs, and help customers solve supply chain pain points, including end-to-end supply chain optimization, inventory control and optimization, logistics management (multimodal transport, warehouse integration);2. Provide customers with digital transformation in the supply chain field based on their business status and industry characteristics, and independ
    about the job.1. Analyze customer needs, formulate and review supply chain solutions based on customer needs, and help customers solve supply chain pain points, including end-to-end supply chain optimization, inventory control and optimization, logistics management (multimodal transport, warehouse integration);2. Provide customers with digital transformation in the supply chain field based on their business status and industry characteristics, and independ
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY350,000 - CNY600,000 per year
    about the company.our client is a well known global company in travel industry about the team.international, open-minded and professional teamabout the job.Familiar with analysis framework, with the ability to think in a structured way, describe problems with data, and keenly identify key factors, able to simplify, think closely to the business, raise questions, and answer questions;Research on various market segments of international travel, track competi
    about the company.our client is a well known global company in travel industry about the team.international, open-minded and professional teamabout the job.Familiar with analysis framework, with the ability to think in a structured way, describe problems with data, and keenly identify key factors, able to simplify, think closely to the business, raise questions, and answer questions;Research on various market segments of international travel, track competi
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY600,000 - CNY1,000,000 per year
    about the company.our client is a well known global company in retail/luxury industryabout the team.international, professional and open-minded teamabout the job.As a key member in China for transformation, work with  global IT team in the design of the data modeling, data architecture and KPI core model to create the solution for Data platform and BI solution.The data product Manager is responsible for all aspects of data governance, including developing
    about the company.our client is a well known global company in retail/luxury industryabout the team.international, professional and open-minded teamabout the job.As a key member in China for transformation, work with  global IT team in the design of the data modeling, data architecture and KPI core model to create the solution for Data platform and BI solution.The data product Manager is responsible for all aspects of data governance, including developing
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY900,000 - CNY1,200,000 per year
    about the company.our client is a well known global company in retail/luxury industryabout the team.international, professional and open-minded teamabout the job.Develop and maintain a comprehensive enterprise architecture strategy that aligns with the organization's business strategyDefine and implement standards, principles, and guidelines for technology infrastructure, applications, and data across the organizationAlign front-office (eCommerce, CRM, Mar
    about the company.our client is a well known global company in retail/luxury industryabout the team.international, professional and open-minded teamabout the job.Develop and maintain a comprehensive enterprise architecture strategy that aligns with the organization's business strategyDefine and implement standards, principles, and guidelines for technology infrastructure, applications, and data across the organizationAlign front-office (eCommerce, CRM, Mar
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY800,000 - CNY1,000,000 per year
    关于公司.国内头部的无人驾驶科技公司关于职位.1. 负责自动驾驶感知系统中图像算法相关的研发及性能提升,包括但不限于:检测、跟踪、分类、语义分割等;岗位要求和技能要求.1. 计算机或相关专业本科以上学历;2. 熟练掌握深度学习及计算机视觉相关的基本算法;3. 熟悉基于CNN的图像检测、跟踪、识别等算法流程;4. 优秀的编程能力,熟悉C/C++或Python;5. 有较强的独立解决问题能力,学习能力及沟通能力;加分项:1. 有较强的研究能力优先,如发表过第一作者CCF A类会议或期刊等论文;2. 熟悉某种深度学习框架,如TensorFlow, MXNet, Caffe, Torch等,对深度学习有深入的了解;3. 熟悉并行计算或cuda编程,或图像处理方面经验的优先;4. 具备自动驾驶视觉系统研发经验,包括车道跟踪,车辆检测和跟踪,交通灯/符号检测,地平面估计等。
    关于公司.国内头部的无人驾驶科技公司关于职位.1. 负责自动驾驶感知系统中图像算法相关的研发及性能提升,包括但不限于:检测、跟踪、分类、语义分割等;岗位要求和技能要求.1. 计算机或相关专业本科以上学历;2. 熟练掌握深度学习及计算机视觉相关的基本算法;3. 熟悉基于CNN的图像检测、跟踪、识别等算法流程;4. 优秀的编程能力,熟悉C/C++或Python;5. 有较强的独立解决问题能力,学习能力及沟通能力;加分项:1. 有较强的研究能力优先,如发表过第一作者CCF A类会议或期刊等论文;2. 熟悉某种深度学习框架,如TensorFlow, MXNet, Caffe, Torch等,对深度学习有深入的了解;3. 熟悉并行计算或cuda编程,或图像处理方面经验的优先;4. 具备自动驾驶视觉系统研发经验,包括车道跟踪,车辆检测和跟踪,交通灯/符号检测,地平面估计等。
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY400,000 - CNY600,000 per year
    about the company.our client is well known global fintech companyabout the team.international professional and open-minded teamabout the job.• Give timely support to merchants with the goal of retaining and helping their business growth.• Analyze merchants’ needs and inquiries and provide sustainable resolution to issues and answer to enquiries.• Work closely with internal stakeholders and provide feedbacks for features, products and processes to improve m
    about the company.our client is well known global fintech companyabout the team.international professional and open-minded teamabout the job.• Give timely support to merchants with the goal of retaining and helping their business growth.• Analyze merchants’ needs and inquiries and provide sustainable resolution to issues and answer to enquiries.• Work closely with internal stakeholders and provide feedbacks for features, products and processes to improve m
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY450,000 - CNY630,000 per year
    关于职位・To lead business improvement and deployment of system change. Improve processes to avoid recurring issues, and stabilize support needs・As member of global IT team,analyze and enhance system to realize requirement from Finance team・Coordinate with business team and vender to ensure projects can be completed on time and reach goals・ Will have opportunity to re-locate to other regions after few years working in Shanghai技能和经验要求・ Bachelor's degree in Busin
    关于职位・To lead business improvement and deployment of system change. Improve processes to avoid recurring issues, and stabilize support needs・As member of global IT team,analyze and enhance system to realize requirement from Finance team・Coordinate with business team and vender to ensure projects can be completed on time and reach goals・ Will have opportunity to re-locate to other regions after few years working in Shanghai技能和经验要求・ Bachelor's degree in Busin
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY600,000 - CNY800,000 per year
    about the company.Global Leading Luxury Brandabout the team.China IT Teamabout the job.Being a Lead to design/implement/rollout digital solutions, such as online ecommerce platforms etc.Work with cross functional business teams and vendors for E-comm solutions and lead the team on initiative prioritization, identify best approach and deliver.Account for possible project challenges on constraints including, risks, time, resources and scopeskills and experie
    about the company.Global Leading Luxury Brandabout the team.China IT Teamabout the job.Being a Lead to design/implement/rollout digital solutions, such as online ecommerce platforms etc.Work with cross functional business teams and vendors for E-comm solutions and lead the team on initiative prioritization, identify best approach and deliver.Account for possible project challenges on constraints including, risks, time, resources and scopeskills and experie
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY2,500,000 - CNY3,000,000 per year
    about the company.Global Leading Auto Groupabout the team.China R&D Centerabout the job.Strategic Vision and Leadership:Determine the strategic direction of the company, focusing on where we play and how we win in the marketplace.Continuously champion the ideal state of the business, anticipating future challenges and opportunitiesBusiness Planning Management: Drive a comprehensive approach to business planning, considering all facets including product dev
    about the company.Global Leading Auto Groupabout the team.China R&D Centerabout the job.Strategic Vision and Leadership:Determine the strategic direction of the company, focusing on where we play and how we win in the marketplace.Continuously champion the ideal state of the business, anticipating future challenges and opportunitiesBusiness Planning Management: Drive a comprehensive approach to business planning, considering all facets including product dev
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY250,000 - CNY350,000 per year
    关于公司我们客户专注于信息安全产品,是“上海市高新技术企业” 关于职位1.定期向用户汇报IAAS云平台相关工作。2.负责用户现场华为云平台的维护工作,包括平台巡检及告警处理、资源管理、运维报告编写,为现场应用部署提供技术支撑等。3.根据客户要求,协调、协助相关厂商落实云方向相关产品在客户现场的测试及应用,推进新产品或解决方案的落地。4.根据行业特点及现场业务开展,总结技术、故障处理经验,优化相关运维流程、文档。技能和经验要求1.本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业。2.4年及以上云计算或虚拟化相关经验,熟悉云计算技术架构,包括华为云、华三云。3.熟悉OpenStack技术及云平台底层基础设施相关技术,包括计算虚拟化、分布式存储、SDN网络等。4.熟悉常用网络基础知识如路由交换、防火墙策略等。5.责任心、学习能力强,具有良好的沟通表达、团队协作、文档编写能力,能承受一定强度的工作压力。6.加分项:持有ACP、ACE、H3CSE-Cloud、HCIE-Cloud证书。
    关于公司我们客户专注于信息安全产品,是“上海市高新技术企业” 关于职位1.定期向用户汇报IAAS云平台相关工作。2.负责用户现场华为云平台的维护工作,包括平台巡检及告警处理、资源管理、运维报告编写,为现场应用部署提供技术支撑等。3.根据客户要求,协调、协助相关厂商落实云方向相关产品在客户现场的测试及应用,推进新产品或解决方案的落地。4.根据行业特点及现场业务开展,总结技术、故障处理经验,优化相关运维流程、文档。技能和经验要求1.本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业。2.4年及以上云计算或虚拟化相关经验,熟悉云计算技术架构,包括华为云、华三云。3.熟悉OpenStack技术及云平台底层基础设施相关技术,包括计算虚拟化、分布式存储、SDN网络等。4.熟悉常用网络基础知识如路由交换、防火墙策略等。5.责任心、学习能力强,具有良好的沟通表达、团队协作、文档编写能力,能承受一定强度的工作压力。6.加分项:持有ACP、ACE、H3CSE-Cloud、HCIE-Cloud证书。
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY350,000 - CNY550,000 per year
    about the company.这是一家知名互联网公司,出品的游戏深受玩家喜爱,为玩家提供良好的游戏体验。about the job.1.负责一至多条核心管线的测试质量保障工作,负责测试方案制定、过程管理与验收、进度风险评估2.基于过程管理与结果复盘,优化测试方案与管线流程,同时有效地进行小组成员的人员培养3.实际参与所负责管线的核心功能测试 skills and experience required.1.工作3年以上,有大型游戏项目测试经验者优先,有跟进项目上线经验者优先2.熟悉python编程语言,具备一定白盒测试能力3.具备较好的逻辑思维能力,能识别复杂业务场景的核心本质问题或有较强总结归纳能力者优先4.具备统筹负责大型玩法或游戏核心模块测试经验者优先5.审慎、责任心、抗压
    about the company.这是一家知名互联网公司,出品的游戏深受玩家喜爱,为玩家提供良好的游戏体验。about the job.1.负责一至多条核心管线的测试质量保障工作,负责测试方案制定、过程管理与验收、进度风险评估2.基于过程管理与结果复盘,优化测试方案与管线流程,同时有效地进行小组成员的人员培养3.实际参与所负责管线的核心功能测试 skills and experience required.1.工作3年以上,有大型游戏项目测试经验者优先,有跟进项目上线经验者优先2.熟悉python编程语言,具备一定白盒测试能力3.具备较好的逻辑思维能力,能识别复杂业务场景的核心本质问题或有较强总结归纳能力者优先4.具备统筹负责大型玩法或游戏核心模块测试经验者优先5.审慎、责任心、抗压
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY300,000 - CNY800,000 per year
    As an Embedded Software Engineer, you will be developing software to bring our next generation of wearables to life, including our industry leading Bluetooth noise cancelling headphones, our new line of Audio Sunglasses, and other innovative wearable form factors. You will work collaboratively with a group of world class engineers and user interface designers to engineer our next generation software architecture and deliver astonishing new wearable product
    As an Embedded Software Engineer, you will be developing software to bring our next generation of wearables to life, including our industry leading Bluetooth noise cancelling headphones, our new line of Audio Sunglasses, and other innovative wearable form factors. You will work collaboratively with a group of world class engineers and user interface designers to engineer our next generation software architecture and deliver astonishing new wearable product
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY600,000 - CNY1,000,000 per year
    About the Role:Our client is seeking an experienced Manager who can lead and drive our embedded software solutions of consumer electronic products to the next level of performance excellence and evolve the software technology along the products roadmap. This is a position requiring both strong leadership across regions and hands-on technical experience driving towards the best system performance and experience to accommodate foreseeable many years of produ
    About the Role:Our client is seeking an experienced Manager who can lead and drive our embedded software solutions of consumer electronic products to the next level of performance excellence and evolve the software technology along the products roadmap. This is a position requiring both strong leadership across regions and hands-on technical experience driving towards the best system performance and experience to accommodate foreseeable many years of produ
    • 上海, shanghai
    • permanent
    • CNY240,000 - CNY300,000 per year
    关于职位1. Handling  SAP PP/QM cases  (Trouble shooting ,enhancement ,fix problems ) per client  requests, participate in individual projects.2. Assist the colleagues of other SAP modules to perform impact analysis in terms of SAP PP/QM areas.3. On-site support per project assignments技能和经验要求1. More than 3 years' PP/QM experience in implementation of or supporting project, Implemented at least 1 full-cycle projects of SAP PP/QM, and very skillful in SAP PP/QM '
    关于职位1. Handling  SAP PP/QM cases  (Trouble shooting ,enhancement ,fix problems ) per client  requests, participate in individual projects.2. Assist the colleagues of other SAP modules to perform impact analysis in terms of SAP PP/QM areas.3. On-site support per project assignments技能和经验要求1. More than 3 years' PP/QM experience in implementation of or supporting project, Implemented at least 1 full-cycle projects of SAP PP/QM, and very skillful in SAP PP/QM '
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