職種ヘルパー・介護士・介護福祉士勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\ 土日祝休み♪ /ご家族と予定を合わせたり、先々の予定が組みやすかったり、やっぱりカレンダー通りのお休みって最高♪《 配属先は... 》福祉用品のレンタルを行ってる部署《 おしごとの詳細 》・商品のオーダーに関するデータ入力・売上、仕入れ、現金処理・商品のチェック・在庫の管理 ・電話、来客対応 など事務未経験OK!むずかしいPCスキルも要りません!《 POINT 》初めてのオフィスワークだって安心♡OJT期間はたっぷり3か月。少しずつできることを増やしていければOKです!派遣先の特徴保険、不動産、旅行、人材派遣、福祉用具レンタル事業のほかオフィスに関わる各種サービスを提供している企業さま最寄駅東武伊勢崎線/加須駅(車5分)東武伊勢崎線/花崎駅(車15分)休日休暇土日祝日就業時間9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60分)残業残業少なめ 月に10h程
職種ヘルパー・介護士・介護福祉士勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\ 土日祝休み♪ /ご家族と予定を合わせたり、先々の予定が組みやすかったり、やっぱりカレンダー通りのお休みって最高♪《 配属先は... 》福祉用品のレンタルを行ってる部署《 おしごとの詳細 》・商品のオーダーに関するデータ入力・売上、仕入れ、現金処理・商品のチェック・在庫の管理 ・電話、来客対応 など事務未経験OK!むずかしいPCスキルも要りません!《 POINT 》初めてのオフィスワークだって安心♡OJT期間はたっぷり3か月。少しずつできることを増やしていければOKです!派遣先の特徴保険、不動産、旅行、人材派遣、福祉用具レンタル事業のほかオフィスに関わる各種サービスを提供している企業さま最寄駅東武伊勢崎線/加須駅(車5分)東武伊勢崎線/花崎駅(車15分)休日休暇土日祝日就業時間9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60分)残業残業少なめ 月に10h程
職種医療事務・病院受付勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\神栖市内・健診センター内勤務/*受付スタッフの募集です*――職場環境――約10名の先輩スタッフさん在籍!当社スタッフさんも活躍中♪初めてでも、1人じゃないので安心感もGood♪――お仕事内容――・健診の予約受付、当日の受付・検診結果のデータ処理対応・請求書の発行、入金確認・電話応対 等 をお願いします。▼オススメPoint▼・医療業界デビュー歓迎!・事務未経験さんもOK!・残業なしでピタ上がり♪詳細はお電話・面談にて☆履歴書不要でご応募OK!★職場見学可能です♪派遣先の特徴地域に密着した、300床を超える総合病院の検診センターです。最寄駅鹿島線/鹿島神宮駅(車15分)鹿島線/延方駅(車15分)成田線/小見川駅(車20分)休日休暇土日祝日土曜日は隔週で午前中のみ出勤があります。※土曜日お休み希望の方、まずはご相談下さい。就業時間(1)8:30-16:30(実働7時間00分・休憩60分)(2)9:00-16:00(実働6時間00分・休憩60分)(3)8:
職種医療事務・病院受付勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\神栖市内・健診センター内勤務/*受付スタッフの募集です*――職場環境――約10名の先輩スタッフさん在籍!当社スタッフさんも活躍中♪初めてでも、1人じゃないので安心感もGood♪――お仕事内容――・健診の予約受付、当日の受付・検診結果のデータ処理対応・請求書の発行、入金確認・電話応対 等 をお願いします。▼オススメPoint▼・医療業界デビュー歓迎!・事務未経験さんもOK!・残業なしでピタ上がり♪詳細はお電話・面談にて☆履歴書不要でご応募OK!★職場見学可能です♪派遣先の特徴地域に密着した、300床を超える総合病院の検診センターです。最寄駅鹿島線/鹿島神宮駅(車15分)鹿島線/延方駅(車15分)成田線/小見川駅(車20分)休日休暇土日祝日土曜日は隔週で午前中のみ出勤があります。※土曜日お休み希望の方、まずはご相談下さい。就業時間(1)8:30-16:30(実働7時間00分・休憩60分)(2)9:00-16:00(実働6時間00分・休憩60分)(3)8:
Support Worker - Children's Residential Are you an experienced support worker?Have you got experience supporting children or young people in crisis?By joining team you will enjoy a number of benefits:a supportive and close knit team for daily support A variety of pay options an opportunity to use your specialist experience and skills and develop other What can you expect from joining our team:an opportunity to dedicate your experience and skills to a child
Support Worker - Children's Residential Are you an experienced support worker?Have you got experience supporting children or young people in crisis?By joining team you will enjoy a number of benefits:a supportive and close knit team for daily support A variety of pay options an opportunity to use your specialist experience and skills and develop other What can you expect from joining our team:an opportunity to dedicate your experience and skills to a child
Join our specialist support worker team!Are you an experienced support worker?Have you got experience supporting children or young people in crisis?By joining one of our specialist teams you will enjoy a number of benefits:an elevated pay rate that will exceed existing local pay rates a supportive and close knit team for daily support A variety of pay options an opportunity to use your specialist experience and skills and develop other What can you expect
Join our specialist support worker team!Are you an experienced support worker?Have you got experience supporting children or young people in crisis?By joining one of our specialist teams you will enjoy a number of benefits:an elevated pay rate that will exceed existing local pay rates a supportive and close knit team for daily support A variety of pay options an opportunity to use your specialist experience and skills and develop other What can you expect
Join our specialist support worker team!Are you an experienced support worker?Have you got experience supporting children or young people in crisis?By joining one of our specialist teams you will enjoy a number of benefits:an elevated pay rate that will exceed existing local pay rates a supportive and close knit team for daily support A variety of pay options an opportunity to use your specialist experience and skills and develop other What can you expect
Join our specialist support worker team!Are you an experienced support worker?Have you got experience supporting children or young people in crisis?By joining one of our specialist teams you will enjoy a number of benefits:an elevated pay rate that will exceed existing local pay rates a supportive and close knit team for daily support A variety of pay options an opportunity to use your specialist experience and skills and develop other What can you expect
Tu as une véritable vocation liée au domaine du bien-être et de la santé? Tu aimes inspirer, guider et aider les clients ? Tu es formée en tant que HERBORISTE- NATUROPATHE?La fibre commerciale fait partie de toi ?Alors, tu es la personne que nous recherchons !
Tu as une véritable vocation liée au domaine du bien-être et de la santé? Tu aimes inspirer, guider et aider les clients ? Tu es formée en tant que HERBORISTE- NATUROPATHE?La fibre commerciale fait partie de toi ?Alors, tu es la personne que nous recherchons !
Voor een modern WZC in Evergem, zijn we op zoek naar jou! Heb jij een hart voor ouderenzorg en zou jij graag (bij)werken? Lees dan zeker verder!Je jobtime is te bespreken (19u/week - fulltime) en je zou werken in de vroeg- en laatdiensten. Het rusthuis is gelegen in een oase van groen en is in 2016 volledig gerenoveerd.Iedere kamer beschikt over een aangepaste privé badkamer met toilet en inloopdouche, wat het werk stukken comfortabeler maakt.
Voor een modern WZC in Evergem, zijn we op zoek naar jou! Heb jij een hart voor ouderenzorg en zou jij graag (bij)werken? Lees dan zeker verder!Je jobtime is te bespreken (19u/week - fulltime) en je zou werken in de vroeg- en laatdiensten. Het rusthuis is gelegen in een oase van groen en is in 2016 volledig gerenoveerd.Iedere kamer beschikt over een aangepaste privé badkamer met toilet en inloopdouche, wat het werk stukken comfortabeler maakt.
Psychiatrie Nurse gesucht!Für unseren Kunden suchen wir eine engagierte und herzliche Psychiatrie Pflegefachperson!Über die StelleDu suchst nach einer neuen Herausforderung in einem tollen Team? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Bei uns erwartet dich eine abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einer angenehmen Arbeitsatmosphäre. Die Arbeit als Psychiatrie Pflegefachperson ist herausfordernd, aber auch unglaublich bereichernd. Du wirst Teil eines Teams sein, das s
Psychiatrie Nurse gesucht!Für unseren Kunden suchen wir eine engagierte und herzliche Psychiatrie Pflegefachperson!Über die StelleDu suchst nach einer neuen Herausforderung in einem tollen Team? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Bei uns erwartet dich eine abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einer angenehmen Arbeitsatmosphäre. Die Arbeit als Psychiatrie Pflegefachperson ist herausfordernd, aber auch unglaublich bereichernd. Du wirst Teil eines Teams sein, das s
Un centre d'accueil a généralement une capacité de plusieurs centaines de résidents et compte plusieurs dizaines de membres du personnel.Les membres du personnel assurent l'encadrement des résidents et ont différentes tâches et profils. Ensemble, ils forment les différents services du centre : l'accueil, le service social, le service médical, le service logistique-technique, l'administration, le service d'accompagnement scolaire et d'animation, les éducate
Un centre d'accueil a généralement une capacité de plusieurs centaines de résidents et compte plusieurs dizaines de membres du personnel.Les membres du personnel assurent l'encadrement des résidents et ont différentes tâches et profils. Ensemble, ils forment les différents services du centre : l'accueil, le service social, le service médical, le service logistique-technique, l'administration, le service d'accompagnement scolaire et d'animation, les éducate
Ihr Beruf ist mehr als nur ein Job? Sie üben Ihren Beruf mit Leidenschaft und Engagement aus? Sie geben immer 100%? Wir auch! Für unsere Kunden – Einrichtungen der Pflegebranche im Raum Eisenach – suchen wir derzeit einen fachkundigen Pflegehelfer mit Herzenswärme und Mitgefühl. Jetzt online bewerben! Unser Arbeitsklima und die Offenheit unserer Teams fördern die Chancengleichheit für alle Menschen – auch mit Behinderung, deren Bewerbung wir begrüßen.
Ihr Beruf ist mehr als nur ein Job? Sie üben Ihren Beruf mit Leidenschaft und Engagement aus? Sie geben immer 100%? Wir auch! Für unsere Kunden – Einrichtungen der Pflegebranche im Raum Eisenach – suchen wir derzeit einen fachkundigen Pflegehelfer mit Herzenswärme und Mitgefühl. Jetzt online bewerben! Unser Arbeitsklima und die Offenheit unserer Teams fördern die Chancengleichheit für alle Menschen – auch mit Behinderung, deren Bewerbung wir begrüßen.
Ben je bepaalde periodes van het jaar beschikbaar om te werken? Zou je graag meer ervaring opdoen bij kinderen? Ben je flexibel om je te verplaatsen in de regio Groot-Gent? Centrum Gent, Evergem, Drongen, Sint-Martens-Latem, Zwijnaarde, Destelbergen, Wetteren...?Voor een aantal kinderdagverblijven regio Gent zijn wij op zoek naar enthousiaste kinderbegeleiders om het team te versterken tijdens het schooljaar en/of in schoolvakanties.Als kinderverzorger sta
Ben je bepaalde periodes van het jaar beschikbaar om te werken? Zou je graag meer ervaring opdoen bij kinderen? Ben je flexibel om je te verplaatsen in de regio Groot-Gent? Centrum Gent, Evergem, Drongen, Sint-Martens-Latem, Zwijnaarde, Destelbergen, Wetteren...?Voor een aantal kinderdagverblijven regio Gent zijn wij op zoek naar enthousiaste kinderbegeleiders om het team te versterken tijdens het schooljaar en/of in schoolvakanties.Als kinderverzorger sta
Ben je bepaalde periodes van het jaar beschikbaar om te werken? Zou je graag meer ervaring opdoen bij kinderen?Ben je flexibel om je te verplaatsen in de regio Groot-Gent? Centrum Gent, Evergem, Drongen, Sint-Martens-Latem, Zwijnaarde, Destelbergen, Wetteren...? Voor een aantal kinderdagverblijven regio Gent zijn wij op zoek naar enthousiaste kinderbegeleiders om het team te versterken tijdens het schooljaar en/of in schoolvakanties.Als kinderverzorger sta
Ben je bepaalde periodes van het jaar beschikbaar om te werken? Zou je graag meer ervaring opdoen bij kinderen?Ben je flexibel om je te verplaatsen in de regio Groot-Gent? Centrum Gent, Evergem, Drongen, Sint-Martens-Latem, Zwijnaarde, Destelbergen, Wetteren...? Voor een aantal kinderdagverblijven regio Gent zijn wij op zoek naar enthousiaste kinderbegeleiders om het team te versterken tijdens het schooljaar en/of in schoolvakanties.Als kinderverzorger sta
Ben je bepaalde periodes van het jaar beschikbaar om te werken? Zou je graag meer ervaring opdoen bij kinderen? Ben je flexibel om je te verplaatsen binnen regio Gent : Drongen, Nevele, Evergem, St-Martens Latem, Gent ?Voor een aantal kinderdagverblijven in regio Gent zijn wij op zoek naar enthousiaste kinderbegeleiders om het team te versterken!Als kinderverzorger sta je in voor allerhande taken gaande van verzorgingstaken tot activiteiten begeleiden bij
Ben je bepaalde periodes van het jaar beschikbaar om te werken? Zou je graag meer ervaring opdoen bij kinderen? Ben je flexibel om je te verplaatsen binnen regio Gent : Drongen, Nevele, Evergem, St-Martens Latem, Gent ?Voor een aantal kinderdagverblijven in regio Gent zijn wij op zoek naar enthousiaste kinderbegeleiders om het team te versterken!Als kinderverzorger sta je in voor allerhande taken gaande van verzorgingstaken tot activiteiten begeleiden bij
職種その他医療勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容未経験OK!直接雇用の実績あり♪病棟の看護サポートーーーおしごと内容ーーー○入院中の患者さんへの各種案内○お食事の配膳、下膳○衛生管理○オムツ交換○入浴介助補助○シーツ交換医療・介護の特別な知識や経験は不問です♪看護師さんや病棟をサポートするオシゴトですよ♪*1食400円ほどで食べれるおいしい食堂あり*マイカー通勤OK*服装で悩まない!ユニフォーム貸与あり*わきあいあいとした職員さんたち派遣先の特徴地域に根差した、9つの病棟に500床以上を有する精神科病院です。最寄駅秩父鉄道、高崎線/熊谷駅(車10分)秩父鉄道/石原(埼玉県)駅(車5分)休日休暇週休2日土日祝日含む週5日勤務 ※シフトは予定に合わせて融通がききますよ◎就業時間(1)7:30-16:30(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)(2)10:00-19:00(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)※早番・遅番シフト制残業月5~15時間程度
職種その他医療勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容未経験OK!直接雇用の実績あり♪病棟の看護サポートーーーおしごと内容ーーー○入院中の患者さんへの各種案内○お食事の配膳、下膳○衛生管理○オムツ交換○入浴介助補助○シーツ交換医療・介護の特別な知識や経験は不問です♪看護師さんや病棟をサポートするオシゴトですよ♪*1食400円ほどで食べれるおいしい食堂あり*マイカー通勤OK*服装で悩まない!ユニフォーム貸与あり*わきあいあいとした職員さんたち派遣先の特徴地域に根差した、9つの病棟に500床以上を有する精神科病院です。最寄駅秩父鉄道、高崎線/熊谷駅(車10分)秩父鉄道/石原(埼玉県)駅(車5分)休日休暇週休2日土日祝日含む週5日勤務 ※シフトは予定に合わせて融通がききますよ◎就業時間(1)7:30-16:30(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)(2)10:00-19:00(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)※早番・遅番シフト制残業月5~15時間程度
職種医療事務・病院受付勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\那珂湊駅~徒歩約10分/□医療事務に戻ろうかな♪□丁度医療事務で転職先を探し中!というあなたを大歓迎!――お仕事内容――・来院時の受付、予約確認・保険証、診察券の確認・問診票の記入依頼・会計対応・電子カルテの入力やレセプト・お問合せや予約などの電話対応・清掃 など派遣なら、職場見学が可能!まずはどんな雰囲気かな?など確認できる♪働きたいかはその後ご判断でOK!お気軽にご応募下さい!詳細はお電話・面談にて☆履歴書不要でご応募OK!☆最短30分の電話orWEB面談登録も可能!☆登録後はLINEでやり取りで手間なし!派遣先の特徴リハビリ、入院設備なども整っている病院です。最寄駅ひたちなか海浜鉄道/那珂湊駅(徒歩10分)ひたちなか海浜鉄道/那珂湊駅(車3分)休日休暇土日祝日週休二日制(日・祝、他)、月3回水曜、年末年始、夏季休暇就業時間8:30-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩90分)残業15時間程/月(レセプト業務の関係で月末に残業が発生)
職種医療事務・病院受付勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\那珂湊駅~徒歩約10分/□医療事務に戻ろうかな♪□丁度医療事務で転職先を探し中!というあなたを大歓迎!――お仕事内容――・来院時の受付、予約確認・保険証、診察券の確認・問診票の記入依頼・会計対応・電子カルテの入力やレセプト・お問合せや予約などの電話対応・清掃 など派遣なら、職場見学が可能!まずはどんな雰囲気かな?など確認できる♪働きたいかはその後ご判断でOK!お気軽にご応募下さい!詳細はお電話・面談にて☆履歴書不要でご応募OK!☆最短30分の電話orWEB面談登録も可能!☆登録後はLINEでやり取りで手間なし!派遣先の特徴リハビリ、入院設備なども整っている病院です。最寄駅ひたちなか海浜鉄道/那珂湊駅(徒歩10分)ひたちなか海浜鉄道/那珂湊駅(車3分)休日休暇土日祝日週休二日制(日・祝、他)、月3回水曜、年末年始、夏季休暇就業時間8:30-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩90分)残業15時間程/月(レセプト業務の関係で月末に残業が発生)
Randstad are currently recruiting experienced Aged Care Assistant in Nursing/Personal care worker to join our casual/temp workforce in the Rockhampton region & surrounding suburbs. Permanent part time & full time opportunities also availableWhy Join Randstad:Flexible working hours & shift typesAbove market average & well above award pay rates Block bookings & ad hoc shifts availableEasy Mobile App for scheduling your shifts and submitting timesheets Make a
Randstad are currently recruiting experienced Aged Care Assistant in Nursing/Personal care worker to join our casual/temp workforce in the Rockhampton region & surrounding suburbs. Permanent part time & full time opportunities also availableWhy Join Randstad:Flexible working hours & shift typesAbove market average & well above award pay rates Block bookings & ad hoc shifts availableEasy Mobile App for scheduling your shifts and submitting timesheets Make a
At Randstad health & social care we are looking for casual Personal Carers, Assistants in Nursing and Nurses to join our team working within Aged Care! If you are a passionate Personal Carer, Assistants in Nursing who is excited about providing a high level of personal care, creating a positive environment and having variety in your work then it is time to call our team to see how we can support you in your next step into work. See below for our Personal C
At Randstad health & social care we are looking for casual Personal Carers, Assistants in Nursing and Nurses to join our team working within Aged Care! If you are a passionate Personal Carer, Assistants in Nursing who is excited about providing a high level of personal care, creating a positive environment and having variety in your work then it is time to call our team to see how we can support you in your next step into work. See below for our Personal C
We are seeking Enrolled Nurses (ENs), to work in Aged Care with roles available immediately across Wangaratta, Benalla and Wodonga. We believe that our Enrolled Nurses should be paid well for the important work they do. Which is why our pay rates are so high. See below for our Enrolled Nurses pay scales. If you are seeking your next casual role in or around Wangaratta, we are well positioned to assist you.You will have:Current AHPRA registration stating yo
We are seeking Enrolled Nurses (ENs), to work in Aged Care with roles available immediately across Wangaratta, Benalla and Wodonga. We believe that our Enrolled Nurses should be paid well for the important work they do. Which is why our pay rates are so high. See below for our Enrolled Nurses pay scales. If you are seeking your next casual role in or around Wangaratta, we are well positioned to assist you.You will have:Current AHPRA registration stating yo
Job Title: Support Worker for Children and Young Adults with Challenging BehavioursLocation: UK (Sheffield) Pay Rates : £14.00 - £19.00 We are currently looking for a dedicated and empathetic individual to join our team as a Support Worker for children and young adults with challenging behaviours. The ideal candidate will have a passion for working with individuals with special needs and be committed to providing high-quality care and support. It would a
Job Title: Support Worker for Children and Young Adults with Challenging BehavioursLocation: UK (Sheffield) Pay Rates : £14.00 - £19.00 We are currently looking for a dedicated and empathetic individual to join our team as a Support Worker for children and young adults with challenging behaviours. The ideal candidate will have a passion for working with individuals with special needs and be committed to providing high-quality care and support. It would a
Job Title: Support Worker for Children and Young Adults with Challenging BehaviourLocation: UK (Doncaster) Pay Rates : £14.00 - £19.00 We are looking for compassionate and dedicated individuals to join our team as Support Workers, to provide emotional support and encouragement to help individuals achieve their goals. It would also be great and beneficial if you had a driver's license but it is not a requirement, the requirements you will need the followi
Job Title: Support Worker for Children and Young Adults with Challenging BehaviourLocation: UK (Doncaster) Pay Rates : £14.00 - £19.00 We are looking for compassionate and dedicated individuals to join our team as Support Workers, to provide emotional support and encouragement to help individuals achieve their goals. It would also be great and beneficial if you had a driver's license but it is not a requirement, the requirements you will need the followi
Support / Care Worker OpportunitiesLocation: North Wales, BangorSalary:£13.50 - £16 per hour day rate£14.50 - £18 per hour night rateJob Type: Full-Time / Permanent / Temporary Are you an experienced Care / Support worker?Randstad are currently looking for support / care workers with experience in the following sectorsAdult Mental Health]Adult / Children Learning Disabilities Adult Dementia / EMI Children's Residential Care About RandstadRandstad is a lead
Support / Care Worker OpportunitiesLocation: North Wales, BangorSalary:£13.50 - £16 per hour day rate£14.50 - £18 per hour night rateJob Type: Full-Time / Permanent / Temporary Are you an experienced Care / Support worker?Randstad are currently looking for support / care workers with experience in the following sectorsAdult Mental Health]Adult / Children Learning Disabilities Adult Dementia / EMI Children's Residential Care About RandstadRandstad is a lead
Are you passionate about delivering high quality, efficient and effective care to patients? Are you a specialist in the field of physiotherapy? Do you have experience working with the elderly?If so, Randstad wants to hear from you!BenefitsCompetitive pay rate £18.10 per hour, depending on experience Overtime premium rates applyMileage allowance as requiredEnhanced holiday package & pensionFully funded, ongoing training & development opportunitiesWeekly pay
Are you passionate about delivering high quality, efficient and effective care to patients? Are you a specialist in the field of physiotherapy? Do you have experience working with the elderly?If so, Randstad wants to hear from you!BenefitsCompetitive pay rate £18.10 per hour, depending on experience Overtime premium rates applyMileage allowance as requiredEnhanced holiday package & pensionFully funded, ongoing training & development opportunitiesWeekly pay
We're Hiring: Registered Mental Nurse (RMN)Join our NHS team and make a real difference in mental health care! We're looking for a compassionate RMN to provide high-quality, patient-centered care in a supportive environment.Location: Carleton Clinic, CarlisleShift: Temp/part timePay rates: Day- £26 /hourNight- £32.51 /hourSunday/bank holiday- £40.89/hourKey Responsibilities:Deliver expert care to individuals with mental health challengesCollaborate with a
We're Hiring: Registered Mental Nurse (RMN)Join our NHS team and make a real difference in mental health care! We're looking for a compassionate RMN to provide high-quality, patient-centered care in a supportive environment.Location: Carleton Clinic, CarlisleShift: Temp/part timePay rates: Day- £26 /hourNight- £32.51 /hourSunday/bank holiday- £40.89/hourKey Responsibilities:Deliver expert care to individuals with mental health challengesCollaborate with a
Adult Social Worker Escape to the Shetland Islands and make a difference! Do you crave adventure and a change of pace while making a positive impact on the lives of adults? Are you a qualified social worker who is passionate about supporting the well-being of individuals in their community? If you're ready to explore the stunning beauty of the Shetland Islands and contribute to a vibrant and welcoming community, this exciting opportunity could be perfect
Adult Social Worker Escape to the Shetland Islands and make a difference! Do you crave adventure and a change of pace while making a positive impact on the lives of adults? Are you a qualified social worker who is passionate about supporting the well-being of individuals in their community? If you're ready to explore the stunning beauty of the Shetland Islands and contribute to a vibrant and welcoming community, this exciting opportunity could be perfect
a Randstad é uma empresa líder de mercado na área de recursos humanos, focada no recrutamento de profissionais especializados.De momento, encontra-se a recrutar Pedopsiquiatras, para vários clientes, a nível nacional.
a Randstad é uma empresa líder de mercado na área de recursos humanos, focada no recrutamento de profissionais especializados.De momento, encontra-se a recrutar Pedopsiquiatras, para vários clientes, a nível nacional.
職種医療事務・病院受付勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容お医者さんの事務サポート!~ドクターズクラーク~《主な業務》・電子カルテの入力・各種書類作成・検査内容の説明・レセコンへの入力・その他、清掃など《ポイント》・週3日×午前だけ/午後だけ勤務☆ プライベートの時間がたっぷり持てます。・扶養内OK!・ブランクあっても大丈夫♪ 業務はしっかり教えてもらえますよ。#GS派遣先の特徴病院でのお仕事です最寄駅JR日光線/今市駅(車15分)JR日光線/鹿沼駅(車25分)JR宇都宮線/宇都宮駅(車45分)休日休暇土日祝日※勤務曜日のご希望があれば、お知らせください! ※夏季、年末年始休暇あり就業時間(1)8:30-13:30(実働5時間00分・休憩0分)(2)14:00-18:00(実働4時間00分・休憩0分)※上記シフト制
職種医療事務・病院受付勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容お医者さんの事務サポート!~ドクターズクラーク~《主な業務》・電子カルテの入力・各種書類作成・検査内容の説明・レセコンへの入力・その他、清掃など《ポイント》・週3日×午前だけ/午後だけ勤務☆ プライベートの時間がたっぷり持てます。・扶養内OK!・ブランクあっても大丈夫♪ 業務はしっかり教えてもらえますよ。#GS派遣先の特徴病院でのお仕事です最寄駅JR日光線/今市駅(車15分)JR日光線/鹿沼駅(車25分)JR宇都宮線/宇都宮駅(車45分)休日休暇土日祝日※勤務曜日のご希望があれば、お知らせください! ※夏季、年末年始休暇あり就業時間(1)8:30-13:30(実働5時間00分・休憩0分)(2)14:00-18:00(実働4時間00分・休憩0分)※上記シフト制
Criminal Justice Social Worker - Prison Based Are you passionate about supporting individuals navigating the criminal justice system and helping them achieve positive change? Do you want to make a real difference in their journey towards rehabilitation and reintegration into the community? If so, we have a rewarding opportunity for you in Glasgow! Benefits Here at Randstad, we offer a wide range of benefits to support you in your career: Flexible HoursF
Criminal Justice Social Worker - Prison Based Are you passionate about supporting individuals navigating the criminal justice system and helping them achieve positive change? Do you want to make a real difference in their journey towards rehabilitation and reintegration into the community? If so, we have a rewarding opportunity for you in Glasgow! Benefits Here at Randstad, we offer a wide range of benefits to support you in your career: Flexible HoursF
Children and Families Social WorkerAre you a dedicated Social Worker who is passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of children and families? Do you strive to ensure every child has the protection they deserve?If you're ready to join a team that is dedicated to making a lasting impact on the lives of children, we have an exciting opportunity for you in the Highlands. This rewarding position will allow you to contribute to the well-being
Children and Families Social WorkerAre you a dedicated Social Worker who is passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of children and families? Do you strive to ensure every child has the protection they deserve?If you're ready to join a team that is dedicated to making a lasting impact on the lives of children, we have an exciting opportunity for you in the Highlands. This rewarding position will allow you to contribute to the well-being
Pour notre client, un hôpital renommé à Genève, nous recherchons des Aides en Bloc Opératoire (ATSO) passionné(e)s et motivé(e)s !Ce que nous vous offrons :Une recherche de poste sur mesure : Nous trouvons des opportunités qui correspondent à vos attentes, de vos horaires préférés à votre lieu de travail, pour que cette mission s'intègre idéalement dans votre quotidien.Un processus de candidature simplifié : Nous gérons l'ensemble du processus de recrutem
Pour notre client, un hôpital renommé à Genève, nous recherchons des Aides en Bloc Opératoire (ATSO) passionné(e)s et motivé(e)s !Ce que nous vous offrons :Une recherche de poste sur mesure : Nous trouvons des opportunités qui correspondent à vos attentes, de vos horaires préférés à votre lieu de travail, pour que cette mission s'intègre idéalement dans votre quotidien.Un processus de candidature simplifié : Nous gérons l'ensemble du processus de recrutem
Pour notre client, un hôpital renommé à Genève, nous recherchons un(e) infirmier(ère) instrumentiste enthousiaste et motivé(e) !Ce poste temporaire, avec possibilité de CDI, vous offre une belle opportunité de travailler dans un environnement chaleureux, basé sur le respect, la bienveillance et l'excellence.Ce que nous vous offrons :Une recherche de poste sur mesure : Nous trouvons des opportunités parfaitement adaptées à vos attentes ? du choix des horair
Pour notre client, un hôpital renommé à Genève, nous recherchons un(e) infirmier(ère) instrumentiste enthousiaste et motivé(e) !Ce poste temporaire, avec possibilité de CDI, vous offre une belle opportunité de travailler dans un environnement chaleureux, basé sur le respect, la bienveillance et l'excellence.Ce que nous vous offrons :Une recherche de poste sur mesure : Nous trouvons des opportunités parfaitement adaptées à vos attentes ? du choix des horair