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    • georgetown, ontario
    • contract
    Scheduling Assistant in Georgetown - Kronos Experience RequiredDo you have experience in Scheduling and/or Coordination? Are you a fast learner who enjoys working as part of a team? Then we might have the perfect opportunity for you!We are currently hiring a Scheduling Assistant for a well-established manufacturing company in Georgetown. This role will be creating schedules for multiple manufacturing teams. The ideal candidate MUST have experience with Kro
    Scheduling Assistant in Georgetown - Kronos Experience RequiredDo you have experience in Scheduling and/or Coordination? Are you a fast learner who enjoys working as part of a team? Then we might have the perfect opportunity for you!We are currently hiring a Scheduling Assistant for a well-established manufacturing company in Georgetown. This role will be creating schedules for multiple manufacturing teams. The ideal candidate MUST have experience with Kro
    • 東京都大田区, 東京都
    • contract
    • ¥1660.00 per hour
    職種一般事務・OA事務勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\大手企業でキャリアUP!/。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。人事・総務事務のサポートをお任せします◎◆証明書発行 (申請不備の確認、印刷、郵送)◆育児休業に関する対応サポート (Excelでの通知書作成、PDF化)◆労務管理業務サポート (社員の勤務データ抽出、Excelでの加工)◆電話対応◆備品発注◆郵便物の配布 など。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。コミュニケーション多めの事務です♪人と関わる事・誰かの役にたてる仕事をしたい方にオススメ(*'▽')\ご不明点等はお気軽にお問い合わせください◎/派遣先の特徴生命保険会社のグループ企業大手企業のグループ会社で正社員のチャンスもあります◎最寄駅東急多摩川線、東急池上線、京浜東北線/蒲田駅(徒歩5分)京急空港線、京急本線/京急蒲田駅(徒歩8分)休日休暇土日祝日年末年始(12/31~1/3)・有給休暇 ・夏季休暇 ・マイライフ休暇 ・忌引き ・結婚休暇就業時間9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60
    職種一般事務・OA事務勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\大手企業でキャリアUP!/。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。人事・総務事務のサポートをお任せします◎◆証明書発行 (申請不備の確認、印刷、郵送)◆育児休業に関する対応サポート (Excelでの通知書作成、PDF化)◆労務管理業務サポート (社員の勤務データ抽出、Excelでの加工)◆電話対応◆備品発注◆郵便物の配布 など。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。コミュニケーション多めの事務です♪人と関わる事・誰かの役にたてる仕事をしたい方にオススメ(*'▽')\ご不明点等はお気軽にお問い合わせください◎/派遣先の特徴生命保険会社のグループ企業大手企業のグループ会社で正社員のチャンスもあります◎最寄駅東急多摩川線、東急池上線、京浜東北線/蒲田駅(徒歩5分)京急空港線、京急本線/京急蒲田駅(徒歩8分)休日休暇土日祝日年末年始(12/31~1/3)・有給休暇 ・夏季休暇 ・マイライフ休暇 ・忌引き ・結婚休暇就業時間9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60
    • 東京都多摩市, 東京都
    • contract
    • ¥1400.00 per hour
    職種一般事務・OA事務勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\ 働きやすい /*週4日~OK(平日のみ)*勤務時間が選べます《 バックオフィス業務 》■人事データ加工・データ集計から必要な情報を抜き出す・資料にまとめるなど■効率化のためのツール作成■数字を扱った事務処理・資料作成■メール問合せ対応 などExcelのスキルが活かせるお仕事です◎<安心ポイント>ーーーOJT研修でしっかり教えてもらえます一気に全て覚えてもらうことはありません◎段階的に少しずつでOK!むりなく、ペースに合わせて習得できます♪派遣先の特徴BPOに関するアウトソーシングサービス最寄駅小田急多摩線/小田急多摩センター駅(徒歩5分)京王相模原線/京王多摩センター駅(徒歩5分)多摩モノレール/多摩センター駅(徒歩9分)休日休暇土日祝日【完全週休2日制】勤務日:月~金のうち、週4~5日就業時間(1)9:00-18:00(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)(2)9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60分)(3)10:00-18:00(実働7時間
    職種一般事務・OA事務勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\ 働きやすい /*週4日~OK(平日のみ)*勤務時間が選べます《 バックオフィス業務 》■人事データ加工・データ集計から必要な情報を抜き出す・資料にまとめるなど■効率化のためのツール作成■数字を扱った事務処理・資料作成■メール問合せ対応 などExcelのスキルが活かせるお仕事です◎<安心ポイント>ーーーOJT研修でしっかり教えてもらえます一気に全て覚えてもらうことはありません◎段階的に少しずつでOK!むりなく、ペースに合わせて習得できます♪派遣先の特徴BPOに関するアウトソーシングサービス最寄駅小田急多摩線/小田急多摩センター駅(徒歩5分)京王相模原線/京王多摩センター駅(徒歩5分)多摩モノレール/多摩センター駅(徒歩9分)休日休暇土日祝日【完全週休2日制】勤務日:月~金のうち、週4~5日就業時間(1)9:00-18:00(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)(2)9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60分)(3)10:00-18:00(実働7時間
    • 宮城県仙台市青葉区, 宮城県
    • contract
    • ¥1210.00 per hour
    職種一般事務・OA事務勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容~ 9月入社/契約社員採用 ~団体保険の事務センターで事務処理を行います □契約書類の照合、データ入力 □電話応対 □その他庶務 など!なんと言っても特徴は【付与休日の多さ】*有給休暇:入社月から毎月1.5日ずつ付与*特別休暇:2年目以降に使途自由・3年繰越できる休暇付与その他、夏季休暇・結婚休暇・災害休暇など種類豊富☆彡「実際使える?」→同じ業務をする仲間がたくさん! 仲間同士フォローしあえる環境があります。 家族の体調不良などで発生する突発休にも 理解があり働きやすいですよ◎※応募の際には履歴書と職務経歴書が必要です※詳細はお電話にて!派遣先の特徴大手企業のグループ会社来客対応がなく、業務に集中できる環境です。●有給(入社と同時に1.5日付与、試用期間終了の翌月1日に5.5日付与)●各種特別休暇制度あり※詳細はお問合せ時にご案内します。最寄駅地下鉄東西線/青葉通一番町駅(徒歩1分)JR/仙台駅(徒歩10分)地下鉄各線/仙台(地下鉄)駅(徒歩10分)
    職種一般事務・OA事務勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容~ 9月入社/契約社員採用 ~団体保険の事務センターで事務処理を行います □契約書類の照合、データ入力 □電話応対 □その他庶務 など!なんと言っても特徴は【付与休日の多さ】*有給休暇:入社月から毎月1.5日ずつ付与*特別休暇:2年目以降に使途自由・3年繰越できる休暇付与その他、夏季休暇・結婚休暇・災害休暇など種類豊富☆彡「実際使える?」→同じ業務をする仲間がたくさん! 仲間同士フォローしあえる環境があります。 家族の体調不良などで発生する突発休にも 理解があり働きやすいですよ◎※応募の際には履歴書と職務経歴書が必要です※詳細はお電話にて!派遣先の特徴大手企業のグループ会社来客対応がなく、業務に集中できる環境です。●有給(入社と同時に1.5日付与、試用期間終了の翌月1日に5.5日付与)●各種特別休暇制度あり※詳細はお問合せ時にご案内します。最寄駅地下鉄東西線/青葉通一番町駅(徒歩1分)JR/仙台駅(徒歩10分)地下鉄各線/仙台(地下鉄)駅(徒歩10分)
    • 埼玉県蕨市, 埼玉県
    • contract
    • ¥1400.00 per hour
    職種その他オフィスワーク・事務勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容金融系・コールセンターでのお仕事経験ある方必見☆ブランクがある方も相談可能です^^*。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。銀行の事務センターでの一般事務♪◆お問合せ対応 取り扱いを終了するローンについて お知らせを受けたお客様からの問い合わせ対応◆手続き方法についてのご案内◆データ入力など。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。チーム内にマネージャーさん常駐で安心◎分からない事はスグ聞ける*<直接雇用求人◎> 企業の直接雇用(パート社員)採用なので 安心&安定* 長期でお仕事したい方にオススメ♪\ご不明点等はお気軽にお問い合わせください/派遣先の特徴金融機関などを中心にコールセンターや事務センター、ヘルプデスクの運営サービスを提供している会社です。最寄駅京浜東北線/蕨駅(徒歩3分)休日休暇土日祝日完全週休2日制 ※年末年始、GW、シルバーウィークにはセンターの休業日があります。就業時間9:00-17:00(実働7時間00分・休憩60分)交通費交通費あり※
    職種その他オフィスワーク・事務勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容金融系・コールセンターでのお仕事経験ある方必見☆ブランクがある方も相談可能です^^*。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。銀行の事務センターでの一般事務♪◆お問合せ対応 取り扱いを終了するローンについて お知らせを受けたお客様からの問い合わせ対応◆手続き方法についてのご案内◆データ入力など。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。・。チーム内にマネージャーさん常駐で安心◎分からない事はスグ聞ける*<直接雇用求人◎> 企業の直接雇用(パート社員)採用なので 安心&安定* 長期でお仕事したい方にオススメ♪\ご不明点等はお気軽にお問い合わせください/派遣先の特徴金融機関などを中心にコールセンターや事務センター、ヘルプデスクの運営サービスを提供している会社です。最寄駅京浜東北線/蕨駅(徒歩3分)休日休暇土日祝日完全週休2日制 ※年末年始、GW、シルバーウィークにはセンターの休業日があります。就業時間9:00-17:00(実働7時間00分・休憩60分)交通費交通費あり※
    • toronto, ontario
    • contract
    Are you a financial professional with previous experience in the banking/finance industry? Do you have previous experience handling KYC and AML activities? Are you looking for an opportunity to further develop your skills within the financial services industry? If so, we have an excellent opportunity for you! We are currently looking for a Quality Control Analyst - AML to support our client in their Toronto office (working primarily remotely from their ho
    Are you a financial professional with previous experience in the banking/finance industry? Do you have previous experience handling KYC and AML activities? Are you looking for an opportunity to further develop your skills within the financial services industry? If so, we have an excellent opportunity for you! We are currently looking for a Quality Control Analyst - AML to support our client in their Toronto office (working primarily remotely from their ho
    • mississauga, ontario
    • contract
    We are currently looking for a Senior Accounting Clerk - Capital Assets and Lease Accounting and Reporting to support our client, a leading Canadian telecommunications firm, supporting their Mississauga office In this role you will work full time hours on a 12 month contract.The CALAR team is responsible for the overall accounting process for the organization and its subsidiaries’ fixed assets and capital leases (IFRS16). This position is ideal for an ind
    We are currently looking for a Senior Accounting Clerk - Capital Assets and Lease Accounting and Reporting to support our client, a leading Canadian telecommunications firm, supporting their Mississauga office In this role you will work full time hours on a 12 month contract.The CALAR team is responsible for the overall accounting process for the organization and its subsidiaries’ fixed assets and capital leases (IFRS16). This position is ideal for an ind
    • edmonton, alberta
    • contract
    Are you an experienced Operations Coordinator adept at managing daily logistics and transportation operations? Do you excel in using TruckMate software to streamline and optimize transportation processes? Are you known for your keen attention to detail, exceptional organizational skills, and ability to thrive in a dynamic work environment? If this describes you, we invite you to apply below. Prior supervisory experience would be advantageous.Advantages- Co
    Are you an experienced Operations Coordinator adept at managing daily logistics and transportation operations? Do you excel in using TruckMate software to streamline and optimize transportation processes? Are you known for your keen attention to detail, exceptional organizational skills, and ability to thrive in a dynamic work environment? If this describes you, we invite you to apply below. Prior supervisory experience would be advantageous.Advantages- Co
    • winnipeg, manitoba
    • contract
    • $25.00 - $30.00 per hour
    Our client is seeking a dynamic and highly organized individual to join their team as an Executive Assistant for a contract position.In this role, you will have the opportunity to provide top-tier support to senior executives, overseeing calendar management, travel arrangements, meeting coordination, and office operations to ensure seamless functioning.If you boast over 3 years of experience in supporting C-Suite executives and excel in aiding them in achi
    Our client is seeking a dynamic and highly organized individual to join their team as an Executive Assistant for a contract position.In this role, you will have the opportunity to provide top-tier support to senior executives, overseeing calendar management, travel arrangements, meeting coordination, and office operations to ensure seamless functioning.If you boast over 3 years of experience in supporting C-Suite executives and excel in aiding them in achi
    • winnipeg, manitoba
    • contract
    We are currently looking for an experienced receptionist for contract opportunities in Winnipeg.We have partnered up with some remarkable companies across Winnipeg and would love to hear from you! Curious about what's out there but not sure where to look?Do you take pride in your excellent organizational skills?Do you enjoy supporting fellow staff with duties that help create a better-functioning work environment?Are you looking to take your career to the
    We are currently looking for an experienced receptionist for contract opportunities in Winnipeg.We have partnered up with some remarkable companies across Winnipeg and would love to hear from you! Curious about what's out there but not sure where to look?Do you take pride in your excellent organizational skills?Do you enjoy supporting fellow staff with duties that help create a better-functioning work environment?Are you looking to take your career to the
    • winnipeg, manitoba
    • contract
    We are seeking an experienced data entry clerk interested in temporary contract opportunities with outstanding companies across Winnipeg.Are you ready to elevate your career? If you feel you've hit a plateau and are eager for a change, we're here to help!Are numbers and data your forte? Does your keyboard feel like an extension of your fingertips with your impressive typing speed? Your attention to detail and analytical skills are crucial for ensuring accu
    We are seeking an experienced data entry clerk interested in temporary contract opportunities with outstanding companies across Winnipeg.Are you ready to elevate your career? If you feel you've hit a plateau and are eager for a change, we're here to help!Are numbers and data your forte? Does your keyboard feel like an extension of your fingertips with your impressive typing speed? Your attention to detail and analytical skills are crucial for ensuring accu
    • winnipeg, manitoba
    • contract
    We are seeking a seasoned and enthusiastic Accounts Receivable Administrator, a dynamic team player based in Winnipeg!Are you the go-to person for number crunching?Do you bring a wealth of experience in accounting and seek a role that goes beyond entry-level responsibilities?Are your communication skills top-notch and ready to collaborate with various departments and conquer Accounts Receivable tasks?If your answer is a resounding yes, we want to hear from
    We are seeking a seasoned and enthusiastic Accounts Receivable Administrator, a dynamic team player based in Winnipeg!Are you the go-to person for number crunching?Do you bring a wealth of experience in accounting and seek a role that goes beyond entry-level responsibilities?Are your communication skills top-notch and ready to collaborate with various departments and conquer Accounts Receivable tasks?If your answer is a resounding yes, we want to hear from
    • winnipeg, manitoba
    • contract
    We're seeking an experienced and motivated administrative assistant who is a strong team player in Winnipeg!Eager to explore the possibilities but uncertain where to begin?Are you proud of your top-notch organizational skills?Find joy in assisting colleagues to enhance the work environment?Ready to elevate your career to new heights?If this sounds like you, apply today!In essence, an administrative assistant serves as a key support figure, handling tasks s
    We're seeking an experienced and motivated administrative assistant who is a strong team player in Winnipeg!Eager to explore the possibilities but uncertain where to begin?Are you proud of your top-notch organizational skills?Find joy in assisting colleagues to enhance the work environment?Ready to elevate your career to new heights?If this sounds like you, apply today!In essence, an administrative assistant serves as a key support figure, handling tasks s
    • winnipeg, manitoba
    • contract
    We're seeking an experienced and motivated HR Assistant who is a strong team player in Winnipeg!Are you looking for the next step in your career? Are you wondering "What's out there?" and just don't know where to look?Do you take pride in your people skills? Do you have experience with handling confidential and secure documents and information? Are you looking to take your career to the next level? If you're answering Yes to these questions, apply now!As a
    We're seeking an experienced and motivated HR Assistant who is a strong team player in Winnipeg!Are you looking for the next step in your career? Are you wondering "What's out there?" and just don't know where to look?Do you take pride in your people skills? Do you have experience with handling confidential and secure documents and information? Are you looking to take your career to the next level? If you're answering Yes to these questions, apply now!As a
    • curtatone, lombardia
    • contract
    Randstad Italia Spa, Filiale di Mantova, ricerca per azienda cliente operante nel settore metalmeccanico un: IMPIEGATO/A DATA ENTRYOrario: Full time;Contratto: stage retribuito con possibilità di inserimento;Luogo: Curtatone (MN).
    Randstad Italia Spa, Filiale di Mantova, ricerca per azienda cliente operante nel settore metalmeccanico un: IMPIEGATO/A DATA ENTRYOrario: Full time;Contratto: stage retribuito con possibilità di inserimento;Luogo: Curtatone (MN).
    • lisboa, lisboa
    • contract
    Procuras um projeto estável e com continuidade?Valorizas o horário 9h-18h com folgas ao fim de semana?Tens experiências em contact center e/ou funções de backoffice?Procuramos candidatos para prestar apoio aos comerciais e gestores de processos, tendo como principal objetivo o suporte ao cliente interno, desde a pré-venda até à fase de implementação das condições negociadas, no segmento de grandes clientes empresariais. Se te identificas com ADN da Vodafon
    Procuras um projeto estável e com continuidade?Valorizas o horário 9h-18h com folgas ao fim de semana?Tens experiências em contact center e/ou funções de backoffice?Procuramos candidatos para prestar apoio aos comerciais e gestores de processos, tendo como principal objetivo o suporte ao cliente interno, desde a pré-venda até à fase de implementação das condições negociadas, no segmento de grandes clientes empresariais. Se te identificas com ADN da Vodafon
    • stoney creek, ontario
    • contract
    Administrative Coordinator in Stoney CreekDo you come from administrative experience and are looking for your next challenge? Are you someone who enjoys providing outstanding customer service? Do you consider yourself a team player who is willing to help out wherever needed? Then we might have the perfect opportunity for you!We are currently hiring an administrator to work for a growing distribution and logistic company in Stoney Creek. This will be a long
    Administrative Coordinator in Stoney CreekDo you come from administrative experience and are looking for your next challenge? Are you someone who enjoys providing outstanding customer service? Do you consider yourself a team player who is willing to help out wherever needed? Then we might have the perfect opportunity for you!We are currently hiring an administrator to work for a growing distribution and logistic company in Stoney Creek. This will be a long
    • bromont, québec
    • contract
    Nous sommes à la recherche d'une personne qui serait la parfaite combinaison entre la rigueur & la bienveillance. Nous cherchons une personne chaleureuse pour le premier contact à la réception des visiteurs mais qui sera également un expert incontournable en entrée de données pour soutenir l'équipe des ressources humaines. Ce poste vous permettra de vous joindre à une équipe vibrante et où il fait bon travailler. Voici plus de détails sur ce mandat d'adjoi
    Nous sommes à la recherche d'une personne qui serait la parfaite combinaison entre la rigueur & la bienveillance. Nous cherchons une personne chaleureuse pour le premier contact à la réception des visiteurs mais qui sera également un expert incontournable en entrée de données pour soutenir l'équipe des ressources humaines. Ce poste vous permettra de vous joindre à une équipe vibrante et où il fait bon travailler. Voici plus de détails sur ce mandat d'adjoi
    • oakville, ontario
    • contract
    Vous êtes un professionnel dynamique, passionné par la gestion et la négociation des contrats ? Nous recherchons un spécialiste des contrats soucieux du détail pour rejoindre notre équipe. Sous la responsabilité du gestionnaire de l'administration des contrats, vous jouerez un rôle crucial dans la coordination avec les parties prenantes internes et externes pour la négociation et la mise en œuvre des accords, ainsi que dans la gestion du processus d'appel
    Vous êtes un professionnel dynamique, passionné par la gestion et la négociation des contrats ? Nous recherchons un spécialiste des contrats soucieux du détail pour rejoindre notre équipe. Sous la responsabilité du gestionnaire de l'administration des contrats, vous jouerez un rôle crucial dans la coordination avec les parties prenantes internes et externes pour la négociation et la mise en œuvre des accords, ainsi que dans la gestion du processus d'appel
    • oakville, ontario
    • contract
    Are you a dynamic professional with a passion for contract management and negotiation? We are seeking a detail-oriented Contract Specialist to join our team. Reporting to the Contract Administration Manager, you will play a crucial role in coordinating with internal and external stakeholders for the negotiation and implementation of agreements, as well as managing the request for proposal (RFx) process. This is an exciting opportunity to work in a collabor
    Are you a dynamic professional with a passion for contract management and negotiation? We are seeking a detail-oriented Contract Specialist to join our team. Reporting to the Contract Administration Manager, you will play a crucial role in coordinating with internal and external stakeholders for the negotiation and implementation of agreements, as well as managing the request for proposal (RFx) process. This is an exciting opportunity to work in a collabor
    • toronto, ontario
    • contract
    Are you eager to gain some experience in the financial services industry and have great Organization and time management skills? If so we have the role for you!We are currently looking for a Junior Administrative Assistant to join our client, one of Canada's largest insurance and financial services companies, in Toronto. You will be working remotely.Advantages●Work for one of Canada's largest insurance and financial services companies●Work from home opport
    Are you eager to gain some experience in the financial services industry and have great Organization and time management skills? If so we have the role for you!We are currently looking for a Junior Administrative Assistant to join our client, one of Canada's largest insurance and financial services companies, in Toronto. You will be working remotely.Advantages●Work for one of Canada's largest insurance and financial services companies●Work from home opport
    • north york, ontario
    • contract
    Our client, a leading Oil and Gas firm, is looking for a Demand-Side Management (DSM) Tracking and Reporting Analyst to work a 12 month assignment in support of their North York office (hybrid). The successful candidate will work 37.5 hours per week at a rate of $35.70 per hour.The DSM Tracking & Reporting Analyst is responsible for validating all DSM projects, savings costs and incentives. This position helps account for DSM results, authenticate and proc
    Our client, a leading Oil and Gas firm, is looking for a Demand-Side Management (DSM) Tracking and Reporting Analyst to work a 12 month assignment in support of their North York office (hybrid). The successful candidate will work 37.5 hours per week at a rate of $35.70 per hour.The DSM Tracking & Reporting Analyst is responsible for validating all DSM projects, savings costs and incentives. This position helps account for DSM results, authenticate and proc
    • mississauga, ontario
    • contract
    Are you an experienced data entry professional? Do you have strong Excel skills with excel power query, excel function, and vb scripting? Are you experienced with data transformation and have strong analytical skillst? If so we have an excellent opportunity for you! We are currently looking for a Senior Data Entry Clerk to support our client, a leading Canadian telecommunications firm. In this role you will work full time hours on a 3 month contract, and
    Are you an experienced data entry professional? Do you have strong Excel skills with excel power query, excel function, and vb scripting? Are you experienced with data transformation and have strong analytical skillst? If so we have an excellent opportunity for you! We are currently looking for a Senior Data Entry Clerk to support our client, a leading Canadian telecommunications firm. In this role you will work full time hours on a 3 month contract, and
    • montreal, québec
    • contract
    Si vous recherchez un poste dynamique avec une ambiance de travail conviviale, que vous vous adaptez facilement à votre environnement et que vous êtes reconnu comme étant une personne très active et qui aime bouger, ce poste temporaire est FAIT pour vous!Nous recherchons présentement un commis au courrier à MontréalPOSTE : Commis au courrierSALAIRE : 31$/heureHORAIRE: Lundi au vendredi de 7h à 15h (40h)DURÉE : 3 semaines (29 Juillet au 16 août)AvantagesCe
    Si vous recherchez un poste dynamique avec une ambiance de travail conviviale, que vous vous adaptez facilement à votre environnement et que vous êtes reconnu comme étant une personne très active et qui aime bouger, ce poste temporaire est FAIT pour vous!Nous recherchons présentement un commis au courrier à MontréalPOSTE : Commis au courrierSALAIRE : 31$/heureHORAIRE: Lundi au vendredi de 7h à 15h (40h)DURÉE : 3 semaines (29 Juillet au 16 août)AvantagesCe
    • tourcoing, hauts-de-france
    • contract
    • €20,966 - €20,967 per year
    descriptif du posteRejoignez une équipe dynamique en pleine croissance ! Démarrez votre parcours en intégrant tout d'abord un centre de formation spécialisé en Relation Client, une référence reconnue sur le marché Lillois. Plongez dans l'univers passionnant des appels entrants et sortants, des mails, du chat et des réseaux sociaux !Une fois prêt(e), vous rejoindrez notre plateau téléphonique à Tourcoing en tant que Conseiller clientèle (F/H) ! Votre missio
    descriptif du posteRejoignez une équipe dynamique en pleine croissance ! Démarrez votre parcours en intégrant tout d'abord un centre de formation spécialisé en Relation Client, une référence reconnue sur le marché Lillois. Plongez dans l'univers passionnant des appels entrants et sortants, des mails, du chat et des réseaux sociaux !Une fois prêt(e), vous rejoindrez notre plateau téléphonique à Tourcoing en tant que Conseiller clientèle (F/H) ! Votre missio
    • 東京都港区, 東京都
    • contract
    • ¥1700.00 per hour
    職種一般事務・OA事務勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容───────────────【検索】 渋谷 ランチ 和食 ───────────────いつもの検索結果、実は広告かも・・・!?【業務内容】検索エンジンで特定のキーワードを検索した際、検索結果ページの目につきやすいところに表示される広告を利用された広告主さんに〇効果の確認〇広告出稿後の反響などヒアリング〇データ分析〇より効果を出すための改善を提案など、を行うお仕事です。【未経験OK】Web広告の知識やスキル、経験は一切不問!・座学研修+OJT・充実のマニュアルであなたのデビューをサポート!*詳細は面談にて派遣先の特徴大手コールセンター運営企業最寄駅浅草線、大江戸線/大門(東京都)駅(徒歩3分)三田線/芝公園駅(徒歩4分)東京モノレール、山手線/浜松町駅(徒歩7分)休日休暇土日祝日【年間休日120日】年末年始休みあり就業時間9:00-18:00(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)残業※残業ほぼなし(月間0~5h程度:電話対応が長引いた場合など)交通費※1ヶ
    職種一般事務・OA事務勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容───────────────【検索】 渋谷 ランチ 和食 ───────────────いつもの検索結果、実は広告かも・・・!?【業務内容】検索エンジンで特定のキーワードを検索した際、検索結果ページの目につきやすいところに表示される広告を利用された広告主さんに〇効果の確認〇広告出稿後の反響などヒアリング〇データ分析〇より効果を出すための改善を提案など、を行うお仕事です。【未経験OK】Web広告の知識やスキル、経験は一切不問!・座学研修+OJT・充実のマニュアルであなたのデビューをサポート!*詳細は面談にて派遣先の特徴大手コールセンター運営企業最寄駅浅草線、大江戸線/大門(東京都)駅(徒歩3分)三田線/芝公園駅(徒歩4分)東京モノレール、山手線/浜松町駅(徒歩7分)休日休暇土日祝日【年間休日120日】年末年始休みあり就業時間9:00-18:00(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)残業※残業ほぼなし(月間0~5h程度:電話対応が長引いた場合など)交通費※1ヶ
    • singapore
    • contract
    • S$7,000 - S$8,000 per month
    about the companyMy client is a European multinational banking and financial services firm with over 100 years of history and prides themselves on understanding what their clients need and to work towards their financial goals. about the jobIn this role, you will be working closely with another EA to provide superb secretarial and administrative support to a group of C-suite leaders. You will be expected to manage their calendars and ensure that tasks and
    about the companyMy client is a European multinational banking and financial services firm with over 100 years of history and prides themselves on understanding what their clients need and to work towards their financial goals. about the jobIn this role, you will be working closely with another EA to provide superb secretarial and administrative support to a group of C-suite leaders. You will be expected to manage their calendars and ensure that tasks and
    • 宮城県仙台市宮城野区, 宮城県
    • contract
    • ¥1150.00 per hour
    職種データ入力・キーパンチャー勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容< 主婦(夫)層も多数活躍中 >平日のみ&残業なし★事務センターにて官公庁関連のコツコツと事務処理をおこないます【 お仕事内容 】・申請書類データの不備チェック・パソコンへ住所などデータ入力・その他付随業務 電話対応・来客対応はございません!*パソコン入力速度はゆっくりでOK*幅広い年代活躍中*友人・知人と一緒に応募もOK*50名積極採用中‼詳細はお電話にて。ご応募お待ちしています!派遣先の特徴事務系人材サービス事業、製造系人材サービス事業を行っています。最寄駅仙石線/苦竹駅(徒歩12分)休日休暇土日祝日月曜~金曜までの週5日勤務となります(完全週休2日制)就業時間9:00-18:00(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)
    職種データ入力・キーパンチャー勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容< 主婦(夫)層も多数活躍中 >平日のみ&残業なし★事務センターにて官公庁関連のコツコツと事務処理をおこないます【 お仕事内容 】・申請書類データの不備チェック・パソコンへ住所などデータ入力・その他付随業務 電話対応・来客対応はございません!*パソコン入力速度はゆっくりでOK*幅広い年代活躍中*友人・知人と一緒に応募もOK*50名積極採用中‼詳細はお電話にて。ご応募お待ちしています!派遣先の特徴事務系人材サービス事業、製造系人材サービス事業を行っています。最寄駅仙石線/苦竹駅(徒歩12分)休日休暇土日祝日月曜~金曜までの週5日勤務となります(完全週休2日制)就業時間9:00-18:00(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)
    • chicoutimi, québec
    • contract
    • $1.00 per hour
    Secrétaire/Réceptionniste ~ Chicoutimi ~ 24-26$/hÊtes-vous à la recherche d'un poste de réceptionniste/secrétaire dans un environnement dynamique ? Souhaitez-vous travailler avec une équipe performante et unie ? Seriez-vous intéressé par un poste qui commence le 27 mai, avec une durée de contrat d'un mois minimum et une possibilité de permanence ? Contactez-moi!** Seules les candidatures retenues seront contactées **AvantagesSecr
    Secrétaire/Réceptionniste ~ Chicoutimi ~ 24-26$/hÊtes-vous à la recherche d'un poste de réceptionniste/secrétaire dans un environnement dynamique ? Souhaitez-vous travailler avec une équipe performante et unie ? Seriez-vous intéressé par un poste qui commence le 27 mai, avec une durée de contrat d'un mois minimum et une possibilité de permanence ? Contactez-moi!** Seules les candidatures retenues seront contactées **AvantagesSecr
    • chicoutimi, québec
    • contract
    • $1.00 per hour
    Secrétaire/Réceptionniste ~ Chicoutimi ~ 24-26$/hÊtes-vous à la recherche d'un poste de réceptionniste/secrétaire dans un environnement dynamique ? Souhaitez-vous travailler avec une équipe performante et unie ? Seriez-vous intéressé par un poste qui commence le 27 mai, avec une durée de contrat d'un mois minimum et une possibilité de permanence ? Contactez-moi!** Seules les candidatures retenues seront contactées **AdvantagesSec
    Secrétaire/Réceptionniste ~ Chicoutimi ~ 24-26$/hÊtes-vous à la recherche d'un poste de réceptionniste/secrétaire dans un environnement dynamique ? Souhaitez-vous travailler avec une équipe performante et unie ? Seriez-vous intéressé par un poste qui commence le 27 mai, avec une durée de contrat d'un mois minimum et une possibilité de permanence ? Contactez-moi!** Seules les candidatures retenues seront contactées **AdvantagesSec
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