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page 19
    • 栃木県真岡市, 栃木県
    • temporary
    • ¥2300.00 per hour
    職種ヘルプデスク・ユーザーサポート勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容~外資系メーカーでのお仕事~《主な業務》・PCの申請/発送、初期設定・修理対応・業者との連絡調整(電話/メール)・IT機器の貸出台帳管理・アプリケーションのインストール・操作案内、トラブルシューティング・各種ソフトウェアのインストール・ファイルの暗号化・ログ/パケット調査、他《ポイント》◆指揮命令者は海外の方です。 英会話でのやり取りが発生します。◆リモートでの教育となります! 同じ業務の方も近くにいるので安心♪◆残業なしでワークライフバランス保てる♪派遣先の特徴グローバルメーカーでのお仕事です最寄駅真岡鉄道線/真岡駅(車10分)JR東北本線/石橋(栃木県)駅(車20分)JR東北本線/宇都宮駅(車30分)休日休暇土日祝日※祝日は企業カレンダーに準じて出勤あり ※大型連休あり(GW・お盆・年末年始)就業時間9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60分)
    職種ヘルプデスク・ユーザーサポート勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容~外資系メーカーでのお仕事~《主な業務》・PCの申請/発送、初期設定・修理対応・業者との連絡調整(電話/メール)・IT機器の貸出台帳管理・アプリケーションのインストール・操作案内、トラブルシューティング・各種ソフトウェアのインストール・ファイルの暗号化・ログ/パケット調査、他《ポイント》◆指揮命令者は海外の方です。 英会話でのやり取りが発生します。◆リモートでの教育となります! 同じ業務の方も近くにいるので安心♪◆残業なしでワークライフバランス保てる♪派遣先の特徴グローバルメーカーでのお仕事です最寄駅真岡鉄道線/真岡駅(車10分)JR東北本線/石橋(栃木県)駅(車20分)JR東北本線/宇都宮駅(車30分)休日休暇土日祝日※祝日は企業カレンダーに準じて出勤あり ※大型連休あり(GW・お盆・年末年始)就業時間9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60分)
    • kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan
    • permanent
    • RM7,000 - RM12,000 per month, attractive package, stable company
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 200 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 500,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration & maintaining SAP PP modules.To understand and analyze business requ
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 200 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 500,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration & maintaining SAP PP modules.To understand and analyze business requ
    • kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan
    • permanent
    • RM7,000 - RM12,000 per month, attractive package, stable company
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 200 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 500,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration & maintaining SAP BASIS modules.To understand and analyze business r
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 200 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 500,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration & maintaining SAP BASIS modules.To understand and analyze business r
    • kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan
    • permanent
    • RM7,000 - RM12,000 per month, attractive package, stable company
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 200 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 500,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration & maintaining SAP CO-AA / SAP CO-PC modules.To understand and analyz
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 200 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 500,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration & maintaining SAP CO-AA / SAP CO-PC modules.To understand and analyz
    • kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan
    • permanent
    • RM7,000 - RM12,000 per month, attractive package, stable company
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 200 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 500,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration & maintaining SAP SD modules.To understand and analyze business requ
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 200 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 500,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration & maintaining SAP SD modules.To understand and analyze business requ
    • 宮城県仙台市宮城野区, 宮城県
    • temporary
    • ¥1900.00 per hour
    職種運用管理・保守勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容【 AWS認定資格 】を取得したなら、実践で力をつけるのみ! 1~3万円もの受験料や長い時間をかけたのに、わざわざ低い待遇を選ぶのはもったいないですよね。 大事な最初の職場選び、せっかくなら大手企業を選びませんか! がっつり経験を積むことが出来るおすすめのポジションをあなたに紹介します!============▼顧客システムのサーバ運用&保守業務をお任せ*・障害対応・検証業務・運用業務サーバー:Windows、Linuxクラウド:AWS============派遣先の特徴<< 宮城野区/仙台市内からシャトルバスあり >>★大手IT企業★インフラ経験が活かせる★社会保険完備★交通費支給★残業少なめ★AWS★仮想化サーバー★若手スタッフ活躍★ポテンシャル最寄駅陸前原ノ町駅(徒歩15分)宮城野原駅仙台駅休日休暇土日祝日完全週休2日制(土日祝休み)就業時間9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60分)残業月0~10h(1日30分程度と少なめ) ★残業代は別途
    職種運用管理・保守勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容【 AWS認定資格 】を取得したなら、実践で力をつけるのみ! 1~3万円もの受験料や長い時間をかけたのに、わざわざ低い待遇を選ぶのはもったいないですよね。 大事な最初の職場選び、せっかくなら大手企業を選びませんか! がっつり経験を積むことが出来るおすすめのポジションをあなたに紹介します!============▼顧客システムのサーバ運用&保守業務をお任せ*・障害対応・検証業務・運用業務サーバー:Windows、Linuxクラウド:AWS============派遣先の特徴<< 宮城野区/仙台市内からシャトルバスあり >>★大手IT企業★インフラ経験が活かせる★社会保険完備★交通費支給★残業少なめ★AWS★仮想化サーバー★若手スタッフ活躍★ポテンシャル最寄駅陸前原ノ町駅(徒歩15分)宮城野原駅仙台駅休日休暇土日祝日完全週休2日制(土日祝休み)就業時間9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60分)残業月0~10h(1日30分程度と少なめ) ★残業代は別途
    • 北海道札幌市厚別区, 北海道
    • temporary
    • ¥1500.00 per hour
    職種ヘルプデスク・ユーザーサポート勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\ こんな方を求めています /「Excelである程度のDB構築できます」「基本的なLinuxのコマンド操作できます」「SQLを利用したデータの集計加工経験あります」★いずれかひとつでも当てはまればOK!==================システム障害での休日呼び出しなし◎《交通系システムの運用サポート》==================札幌市民にとって身近な、あのICカードのシステム開発会社でのお仕事です。▽主な業務・システム監視・不具合解決・駅員からの問い合わせ対応・コールセンターからの問い合わせ対応・落とし物保管先のご案内など派遣先の特徴行政情報や地域情報に関するシステム開発等を行っている企業です。市民の皆さまが安心して快適に過ごせる社会づくりに貢献しています。最寄駅地下鉄東西線/大谷地駅(徒歩1分)休日休暇土日祝日完全週休2日制/土日祝日休み就業時間(1)7:30-16:00(実働7時間30分・休憩60分)(2)14:00-22:3
    職種ヘルプデスク・ユーザーサポート勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\ こんな方を求めています /「Excelである程度のDB構築できます」「基本的なLinuxのコマンド操作できます」「SQLを利用したデータの集計加工経験あります」★いずれかひとつでも当てはまればOK!==================システム障害での休日呼び出しなし◎《交通系システムの運用サポート》==================札幌市民にとって身近な、あのICカードのシステム開発会社でのお仕事です。▽主な業務・システム監視・不具合解決・駅員からの問い合わせ対応・コールセンターからの問い合わせ対応・落とし物保管先のご案内など派遣先の特徴行政情報や地域情報に関するシステム開発等を行っている企業です。市民の皆さまが安心して快適に過ごせる社会づくりに貢献しています。最寄駅地下鉄東西線/大谷地駅(徒歩1分)休日休暇土日祝日完全週休2日制/土日祝日休み就業時間(1)7:30-16:00(実働7時間30分・休憩60分)(2)14:00-22:3
    • 宮城県仙台市青葉区, 宮城県
    • temporary
    • ¥1800.00 per hour
    職種ヘルプデスク・ユーザーサポート勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\\ ITのお仕事経験があればOK // IT知識をそのままにしておくのはもったいない! 「ちょっとわかる」を活かして、将来も困らないスキルを身に着けていきませんか? ▼AWS専門サービスデスクチームの一員として活躍! 法人からの《 問合せ対応・検証業務・対応履歴の管理・SEチームへの連携 》をお願いします! クラウドの知識に不安がある方もご安心を! 入社後に研修があるので、技術面のフォローアップもばっちりなんです* クラウドの導入企業は年々増えているので、いちど経験を積んでしまえば活躍の場が広がります! 今後安定した働き方を叶えたい人は、ぜひご応募ください♪派遣先の特徴<< 仙台駅 >>★大手IT企業★社会保険完備★交通費支給★残業少なめ★AWS★ITサポート、社内SE★若手スタッフ活躍最寄駅仙台駅(徒歩10分)仙台(地下鉄)駅あおば通駅休日休暇土日祝日完全週休2日制(土日祝休み)就業時間9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60分
    職種ヘルプデスク・ユーザーサポート勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容\\ ITのお仕事経験があればOK // IT知識をそのままにしておくのはもったいない! 「ちょっとわかる」を活かして、将来も困らないスキルを身に着けていきませんか? ▼AWS専門サービスデスクチームの一員として活躍! 法人からの《 問合せ対応・検証業務・対応履歴の管理・SEチームへの連携 》をお願いします! クラウドの知識に不安がある方もご安心を! 入社後に研修があるので、技術面のフォローアップもばっちりなんです* クラウドの導入企業は年々増えているので、いちど経験を積んでしまえば活躍の場が広がります! 今後安定した働き方を叶えたい人は、ぜひご応募ください♪派遣先の特徴<< 仙台駅 >>★大手IT企業★社会保険完備★交通費支給★残業少なめ★AWS★ITサポート、社内SE★若手スタッフ活躍最寄駅仙台駅(徒歩10分)仙台(地下鉄)駅あおば通駅休日休暇土日祝日完全週休2日制(土日祝休み)就業時間9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60分
    • kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan
    • permanent
    • RM10,000 - RM20,000 per month, attractive package, stable company
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 50 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 800,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries and serves more than 10,000 clients. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration, deployment, customization & main
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 50 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 800,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries and serves more than 10,000 clients. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration, deployment, customization & main
    • kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan
    • permanent
    • RM6,000 - RM17,000 per month, attractive package, stable company
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 50 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 800,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries and serves more than 10,000 clients. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo participate in Product Safety & Stewardship / Complian
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 50 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 800,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries and serves more than 10,000 clients. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo participate in Product Safety & Stewardship / Complian
    • kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan
    • permanent
    • RM5,000 - RM20,000 per month, attractive package, stable company
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 50 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 800,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries and serves more than 10,000 clients. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration, deployment, customization & main
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 50 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 800,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries and serves more than 10,000 clients. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration, deployment, customization & main
    • kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan
    • permanent
    • RM10,000 - RM18,000 per month, attractive package, stable company
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 50 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 800,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries and serves more than 10,000 clients. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration, deployment, customization & main
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 50 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 800,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries and serves more than 10,000 clients. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration, deployment, customization & main
    • singapore
    • permanent
    Regional role with leadership responsibilityPermanent in-house role with an established companyAbout the company Our Client is an established Europe MNC. They have a well-established presence of more than 20 years. With rapid expansion plan, they are now looking for an IT Help desk / IT ServiceDesk / EUC / IT Service deliveryManager to join their team.About the jobYour role involve:Overseeing the day-to-day operations of the IT service desk teamEnsuring t
    Regional role with leadership responsibilityPermanent in-house role with an established companyAbout the company Our Client is an established Europe MNC. They have a well-established presence of more than 20 years. With rapid expansion plan, they are now looking for an IT Help desk / IT ServiceDesk / EUC / IT Service deliveryManager to join their team.About the jobYour role involve:Overseeing the day-to-day operations of the IT service desk teamEnsuring t
    • 栃木, 栃木県
    • permanent
    • ¥3,000,000 - ¥5,000,000 per year, 年収300 ~ 500万円
    • 京都府京都市伏見区, 京都府
    • temporary
    • ¥1500.00 per hour
    職種CADオペレータ勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容 \CADの経験を活かして☆彡/ 大手メーカーで照明設計のお仕事■■□―――――――――――□■■◇おしごと詳細◇・LED照明機器の設計補助・構想図から3D-CADへのモデリング 3Dモデルから2D図面作成がメイン業務・電話取次などもあり※使用ソフト:SolidWorks(3D) CADSUPER(2D)◆オススメPoint◆◎CADの使用経験を活かせます♪◎20~40代活躍中◎駅チカで通勤便利です#土日祝休み #駅チカ#CADスキル活かせます※詳細は面談にてお伝え致します派遣先の特徴\LED照明のリーディングカンパニー/■派遣スタッフの方多数活躍中!最寄駅近畿京都線/上鳥羽口駅(徒歩3分)烏丸線/くいな橋駅(徒歩6分)休日休暇土日祝日就業時間8:50-18:00(実働8時間00分・休憩70分)※*お昼休憩60分・15時から10分休憩*
    職種CADオペレータ勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容 \CADの経験を活かして☆彡/ 大手メーカーで照明設計のお仕事■■□―――――――――――□■■◇おしごと詳細◇・LED照明機器の設計補助・構想図から3D-CADへのモデリング 3Dモデルから2D図面作成がメイン業務・電話取次などもあり※使用ソフト:SolidWorks(3D) CADSUPER(2D)◆オススメPoint◆◎CADの使用経験を活かせます♪◎20~40代活躍中◎駅チカで通勤便利です#土日祝休み #駅チカ#CADスキル活かせます※詳細は面談にてお伝え致します派遣先の特徴\LED照明のリーディングカンパニー/■派遣スタッフの方多数活躍中!最寄駅近畿京都線/上鳥羽口駅(徒歩3分)烏丸線/くいな橋駅(徒歩6分)休日休暇土日祝日就業時間8:50-18:00(実働8時間00分・休憩70分)※*お昼休憩60分・15時から10分休憩*
    • 東京23区 東京23区外, 東京都
    • permanent
    • ¥7,000,000 - ¥12,000,000 per year, 年収700 ~ 1,200万円
    社名社名非公開職種通信インフラ設計・構築(キャリア・ISP系)業務内容International Company (est. 50% non Japanese)Payments IndustryHybrid and Flex Work求められる経験- 3-5+ years of experience in mobile service (iOS/Android apps, Web) UI design experience- Working experience in UI/UX design using Figma, Overflow and Adobe- Business level in either English or Japanese (Native Japanese speaker or JLPT N1 equivalent)- When applying, please attach your portfolio in addition to your resume保険健康保険 厚生年金保険
    社名社名非公開職種通信インフラ設計・構築(キャリア・ISP系)業務内容International Company (est. 50% non Japanese)Payments IndustryHybrid and Flex Work求められる経験- 3-5+ years of experience in mobile service (iOS/Android apps, Web) UI design experience- Working experience in UI/UX design using Figma, Overflow and Adobe- Business level in either English or Japanese (Native Japanese speaker or JLPT N1 equivalent)- When applying, please attach your portfolio in addition to your resume保険健康保険 厚生年金保険
    • singapore
    • permanent
    • S$5,000 - S$7,000 per month
    Strong communication skillsCCNA/CCNP qualifiedHands on L2/L3 network support /troubleshooting about the companyMy client is a leading law firm that consistently ranks highly in legal directories and is recognized for its significant contributions to the legal landscape in Asia. about the jobLead all network-related projects, including planning, designing, procurement, development, configuration, and commissioning of networks for regional offices and the f
    Strong communication skillsCCNA/CCNP qualifiedHands on L2/L3 network support /troubleshooting about the companyMy client is a leading law firm that consistently ranks highly in legal directories and is recognized for its significant contributions to the legal landscape in Asia. about the jobLead all network-related projects, including planning, designing, procurement, development, configuration, and commissioning of networks for regional offices and the f
    • singapore
    • permanent
    • S$7,000 - S$13,000 per month
    about companyI am currently working with a well known biotechnology research company. Office located in Woodlands - but there's shuttle bus provided from multiple MRT stations. Base salary + fixed allowance + bonus + Esops. Hybrid working arrangement - 1 day WFH. Working hours 8am to 5pm. Can end work early and have more personal time. about job● Work as part of Agile scrum teams to design, implement, and test the instrument control software● Deliver softw
    about companyI am currently working with a well known biotechnology research company. Office located in Woodlands - but there's shuttle bus provided from multiple MRT stations. Base salary + fixed allowance + bonus + Esops. Hybrid working arrangement - 1 day WFH. Working hours 8am to 5pm. Can end work early and have more personal time. about job● Work as part of Agile scrum teams to design, implement, and test the instrument control software● Deliver softw
    • kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan
    • permanent
    • RM5,000 - RM10,000 per month, attractive package, stable company
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 50 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 800,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries and serves more than 10,000 clients. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration, deployment, customization & main
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 50 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 800,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries and serves more than 10,000 clients. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo excute configuration, deployment, customization & main
    • singapore
    • permanent
    • S$10,000 - S$20,000 per month
    about companyI am currently working with a company that provides technology solutions to Singapore government. 5 days onsite. 2 rounds of onsite interview to offer stage. about job (only Singapore Citizens can apply as you need to work on government security projects) o Apply technical knowledge and customer insights to create a migration and modernization roadmap with customers using the Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF).o Architect solutions to meet busines
    about companyI am currently working with a company that provides technology solutions to Singapore government. 5 days onsite. 2 rounds of onsite interview to offer stage. about job (only Singapore Citizens can apply as you need to work on government security projects) o Apply technical knowledge and customer insights to create a migration and modernization roadmap with customers using the Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF).o Architect solutions to meet busines
    • kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan
    • permanent
    • RM8,000 - RM15,000 per month, attractive package, stable company
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 50 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 800,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries and serves more than 10,000 clients. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo analyze and implement technology best practices. To as
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 50 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 800,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries and serves more than 10,000 clients. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo analyze and implement technology best practices. To as
    • kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan
    • permanent
    • RM10,000 - RM20,000 per month, attractive package, stable company
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 50 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 800,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries and serves more than 10,000 clients. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo understand and analyze business requirements related t
    about the companyWe are partnering with world's top consulting firm with establishment of more than 50 years in the market. With a total revenue of more than $ 70 billion a year, they employ more than 800,000 employeees globally from more than 150 countries and serves more than 10,000 clients. Surely you wont want to miss out this great opportunities for a better and more secured career!about the jobTo understand and analyze business requirements related t
    • kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan
    • permanent
    • RM14,000 - RM16,000 per month, performance bonus - 3 months on average
    about the companyThis prominent Asian stock exchange hosts nearly 1,000 listed companies, offering diverse investment opportunities and fostering the growth and competitiveness of the regional capital market.about the jobProvide technical leadership & stewardship to vendors including leading technical discussions, architecture & code review, testing and documentation.Work closely with vendor on project delivery, quality, and readiness.Onboard the system to
    about the companyThis prominent Asian stock exchange hosts nearly 1,000 listed companies, offering diverse investment opportunities and fostering the growth and competitiveness of the regional capital market.about the jobProvide technical leadership & stewardship to vendors including leading technical discussions, architecture & code review, testing and documentation.Work closely with vendor on project delivery, quality, and readiness.Onboard the system to
    • 愛知県名古屋市中区, 愛知県
    • temporary
    • ¥2000.00 per hour
    職種社内SE勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容IT知識が活かせるから、時給はしっかり2000円☆ 手配や手続きまわりのサポートを中心に、情シスでの幅広い庶務に対応していただきます* オフィスソフトやハードウェア、ネットワークなどの基礎を活かしつつ、新しいことも学べます* ヘルプデスクや監視オペレーターからの、無理のないキャリアパスとしてもオススメです!▼大手企業の情シスにて、庶務の代行作業をお願いします!【業務内容】・PC購入に伴う仕様検討・購入手続きサポート・拠点開設時の回線工事やパソコン手配・人事異動時の各種処理・月1回の定例報告Windows、Officeソフト、ネットワークの基本知識が活かせます!派遣先の特徴<<大手企業>> ◆ITリテラシーを活かす◆大手の情シス◆高時給&手当充実最寄駅久屋大通駅(徒歩3分)栄(愛知県)駅(徒歩5分)栄町(愛知県)駅休日休暇土日祝日完全週休2日制就業時間9:00-18:00(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)残業10~20h/月(残業代は1分単位で支給)交通費※【 上限
    職種社内SE勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容IT知識が活かせるから、時給はしっかり2000円☆ 手配や手続きまわりのサポートを中心に、情シスでの幅広い庶務に対応していただきます* オフィスソフトやハードウェア、ネットワークなどの基礎を活かしつつ、新しいことも学べます* ヘルプデスクや監視オペレーターからの、無理のないキャリアパスとしてもオススメです!▼大手企業の情シスにて、庶務の代行作業をお願いします!【業務内容】・PC購入に伴う仕様検討・購入手続きサポート・拠点開設時の回線工事やパソコン手配・人事異動時の各種処理・月1回の定例報告Windows、Officeソフト、ネットワークの基本知識が活かせます!派遣先の特徴<<大手企業>> ◆ITリテラシーを活かす◆大手の情シス◆高時給&手当充実最寄駅久屋大通駅(徒歩3分)栄(愛知県)駅(徒歩5分)栄町(愛知県)駅休日休暇土日祝日完全週休2日制就業時間9:00-18:00(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)残業10~20h/月(残業代は1分単位で支給)交通費※【 上限
    • brisbane, queensland
    • contract
    • AU$1,100 - AU$1,200 per day, Hybrid Arrangements
    Position Overview: Our client is seeking a highly experienced Senior Solution Architect to spearhead the development and delivery of a technical solution for their Timetabling and Room Booking Software Implementation Project. This role offers a unique opportunity to collaborate with a talented team of architects, technical leads, business analysts, and the project manager to define business outcomes and product roadmaps.Key Responsibilities:Lead the develo
    Position Overview: Our client is seeking a highly experienced Senior Solution Architect to spearhead the development and delivery of a technical solution for their Timetabling and Room Booking Software Implementation Project. This role offers a unique opportunity to collaborate with a talented team of architects, technical leads, business analysts, and the project manager to define business outcomes and product roadmaps.Key Responsibilities:Lead the develo
    • brisbane, queensland
    • contract
    Randstad Digital is working with a leading client in the Energy sector who has an immediate need for a Senior Cyber Security Business Analyst to join their program. The program is focused on delivering new cybersecurity capability into IT and OT divisions, while working with BAU cybersecurity teams to sustain their level of maturity. This typically means many small initiatives are running at any one time. Initiatives can be technical, and interaction is ma
    Randstad Digital is working with a leading client in the Energy sector who has an immediate need for a Senior Cyber Security Business Analyst to join their program. The program is focused on delivering new cybersecurity capability into IT and OT divisions, while working with BAU cybersecurity teams to sustain their level of maturity. This typically means many small initiatives are running at any one time. Initiatives can be technical, and interaction is ma
    • 新潟県長岡市, 新潟県
    • temporary
    • ¥1200.00 per hour
    職種CADオペレータ勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容☆土日祝日休み☆残業なし☆17時半定時☆北長岡駅から徒歩5分圏内☆無料駐車場完備働きやすい好条件揃ってます!【仕事内容】・担当者等の指示に従い作図(★メイン業務)・図面の電子(PDF)化・紙面化・ファイリング ・書類やデータの整理・設計業務に必要な資料作成 など専門性の高い品目の設計もありますが同じ作業をする方が複数名いるので、随時教えてもらえる環境です!経験の浅い方やブランクのある方も大歓迎♪まずはお気軽にお問い合わせください*派遣先の特徴【WEB登録可能!】ご希望に合わせて対面の登録か、リモートの登録(電話・WEB)かを選べます最寄駅信越本/北長岡駅(徒歩5分)休日休暇土日祝日土日祝日休み(完全週休2日制)※月曜~金曜までの週5日勤務となります就業時間8:30-17:30(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)
    職種CADオペレータ勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容☆土日祝日休み☆残業なし☆17時半定時☆北長岡駅から徒歩5分圏内☆無料駐車場完備働きやすい好条件揃ってます!【仕事内容】・担当者等の指示に従い作図(★メイン業務)・図面の電子(PDF)化・紙面化・ファイリング ・書類やデータの整理・設計業務に必要な資料作成 など専門性の高い品目の設計もありますが同じ作業をする方が複数名いるので、随時教えてもらえる環境です!経験の浅い方やブランクのある方も大歓迎♪まずはお気軽にお問い合わせください*派遣先の特徴【WEB登録可能!】ご希望に合わせて対面の登録か、リモートの登録(電話・WEB)かを選べます最寄駅信越本/北長岡駅(徒歩5分)休日休暇土日祝日土日祝日休み(完全週休2日制)※月曜~金曜までの週5日勤務となります就業時間8:30-17:30(実働8時間00分・休憩60分)
    • 新潟県長岡市, 新潟県
    • temporary
    • ¥2000.00 per hour
    職種プログラマー勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容業務効率化と生産性向上のため、自動化ツールの開発のサポートをお願いします。最先端の技術を駆使し、革新的なソリューションを提供することに興味のある方を歓迎します!【仕事内容】■Excelでのデータ管理、集計業務■マイクロソフトツール(Automate、Power BI)を使用した自動化ツールの作成■ホームページの編集及び修正作業■PhotoshopやIllustrator、Adobeを使用した画像編集作業■その他、Word、Excel、PowerPointを使用した資料作成Automate、Power BIの使用経験がない方もお気軽にご相談ください!派遣先の特徴長岡市の有数の製造メーカーです!最寄駅信越本線/北長岡駅(徒歩10分)休日休暇土日祝日土日休み(週休二日制)※祝日は出勤です就業時間8:10-17:05(実働7時間55分・休憩60分)※昼40分休憩、10分休憩2回残業希望者は残業も可能です
    職種プログラマー勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容業務効率化と生産性向上のため、自動化ツールの開発のサポートをお願いします。最先端の技術を駆使し、革新的なソリューションを提供することに興味のある方を歓迎します!【仕事内容】■Excelでのデータ管理、集計業務■マイクロソフトツール(Automate、Power BI)を使用した自動化ツールの作成■ホームページの編集及び修正作業■PhotoshopやIllustrator、Adobeを使用した画像編集作業■その他、Word、Excel、PowerPointを使用した資料作成Automate、Power BIの使用経験がない方もお気軽にご相談ください!派遣先の特徴長岡市の有数の製造メーカーです!最寄駅信越本線/北長岡駅(徒歩10分)休日休暇土日祝日土日休み(週休二日制)※祝日は出勤です就業時間8:10-17:05(実働7時間55分・休憩60分)※昼40分休憩、10分休憩2回残業希望者は残業も可能です
    • 福岡県大野城市, 福岡県
    • temporary
    • ¥1900.00 per hour
    職種その他IT・エンジニア・技術・建築勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容わたしたちがどこでもスマホを使えるのは、電波が安定しているおかげ* 今回の求人は、通信環境をととのえる仕事だから《 将来性◎ 》 たくさんの人の通信の不便さを解消できるから《 やりがい充分! 》おまかせするのは、モバイル通信基地局(携帯電話のアンテナ)の設置や提案* 新しく基地局を設置して、どこでもスマホの電波が届くようにします* たくさんの人の便利な生活を支えよう☆彡【仕事内容】・基地局設置場所の選定・建物などのオーナー様との交渉・資料作成【職場環境】PC:Windowsよく使うソフト:Excel2024年1月にできたばかりの新しくてきれいなオフィスです♪派遣先の特徴<<大手企業>>・長期就業・将来安泰・17:30退社・きれいなオフィス・交通費支給・社会保険完備最寄駅白木原駅(車15分)大野城駅春日原駅休日休暇土日祝日完全週休2日制(土日祝休み)就業時間9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60分)残業残業月10~20h程(残業
    職種その他IT・エンジニア・技術・建築勤務期間長期(3ヶ月以上)業務内容わたしたちがどこでもスマホを使えるのは、電波が安定しているおかげ* 今回の求人は、通信環境をととのえる仕事だから《 将来性◎ 》 たくさんの人の通信の不便さを解消できるから《 やりがい充分! 》おまかせするのは、モバイル通信基地局(携帯電話のアンテナ)の設置や提案* 新しく基地局を設置して、どこでもスマホの電波が届くようにします* たくさんの人の便利な生活を支えよう☆彡【仕事内容】・基地局設置場所の選定・建物などのオーナー様との交渉・資料作成【職場環境】PC:Windowsよく使うソフト:Excel2024年1月にできたばかりの新しくてきれいなオフィスです♪派遣先の特徴<<大手企業>>・長期就業・将来安泰・17:30退社・きれいなオフィス・交通費支給・社会保険完備最寄駅白木原駅(車15分)大野城駅春日原駅休日休暇土日祝日完全週休2日制(土日祝休み)就業時間9:00-17:30(実働7時間30分・休憩60分)残業残業月10~20h程(残業
    • 東京23区, 東京都
    • permanent
    • ¥4,500,000 - ¥6,500,000 per year, 年収450 ~ 650万円
    社名社名非公開職種ITプロジェクトマネージャー業務内容Hybrid WorkInternational EnvironmentFree Cafetaria求められる経験- Significant experience in project management and/or PMO activities- Effectively manages risk and uncertainty for self and team.- Strong business analysis and problem solving skills- Ability to decompose problems and make decisions when problems or solutions are not 100% defined- Evaluates products processes to assure compliance.- Ability to interact at all levels of the o
    社名社名非公開職種ITプロジェクトマネージャー業務内容Hybrid WorkInternational EnvironmentFree Cafetaria求められる経験- Significant experience in project management and/or PMO activities- Effectively manages risk and uncertainty for self and team.- Strong business analysis and problem solving skills- Ability to decompose problems and make decisions when problems or solutions are not 100% defined- Evaluates products processes to assure compliance.- Ability to interact at all levels of the o
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