工作内容:1.开发和设计空调的盘管系统。2.根据产品性能数据表对进行选型软件进行校核,验证。3.根据客户需求和规格要求,设计和选择最合适的材料,尺寸和流程。工作要求:◆ 本科及以上学历,机械设计机电一体化暖通制冷及低温◆ 空调 /暖通 行业 5年 以 工作经验 ,对盘管结构设计至少 3年以上相关经验◆ 具有 独立 分析问题、 解决问题的能力◆ 具有良好的沟通协调能力,团队合作精神和较强的责任心◆ 对 AHU 盘管、 FCU 盘管及其他制冷、制热盘管的结构 (钣金、汇总管、铜接头等) 有一定的设计、应用经验◆ 对盘管设计软件有一定了解,且有一定 应用unilab软件进行盘管的优化设计的经验◆ 熟练掌握 3D 设计软件( creo ),对参数化设计有 一定 的应用经验◆ 对盘管的制程 、 工艺 (翅片加工、铜管弯制、焊接、检漏等比较了解对常见不良问题有一定分析、解决的能力◆ 具有良好的 office 操作基础 ,完成各类数据分析报告
工作内容:1.开发和设计空调的盘管系统。2.根据产品性能数据表对进行选型软件进行校核,验证。3.根据客户需求和规格要求,设计和选择最合适的材料,尺寸和流程。工作要求:◆ 本科及以上学历,机械设计机电一体化暖通制冷及低温◆ 空调 /暖通 行业 5年 以 工作经验 ,对盘管结构设计至少 3年以上相关经验◆ 具有 独立 分析问题、 解决问题的能力◆ 具有良好的沟通协调能力,团队合作精神和较强的责任心◆ 对 AHU 盘管、 FCU 盘管及其他制冷、制热盘管的结构 (钣金、汇总管、铜接头等) 有一定的设计、应用经验◆ 对盘管设计软件有一定了解,且有一定 应用unilab软件进行盘管的优化设计的经验◆ 熟练掌握 3D 设计软件( creo ),对参数化设计有 一定 的应用经验◆ 对盘管的制程 、 工艺 (翅片加工、铜管弯制、焊接、检漏等比较了解对常见不良问题有一定分析、解决的能力◆ 具有良好的 office 操作基础 ,完成各类数据分析报告
工作内容:1.开发和设计新的换热器系统 以实现最佳的热交换效果。2.根据换热器性能数据表对进行换热器选型软件进行校核,验证。3.根据客户需求和规格要求,设计和选择最合适的换热器材料,尺寸和流程。4.编写详细的技术规格书和设计报告,主导换热器的性能测试和验证,以确保设计的有限性和符合性。5.会同结构设计人员确认换热器的关键结构参数。6.配合领导完成项目质量及相关考核工作。工作要求:1、能源与动力工程、过程装备与控制工程、工艺设计相关专业。2、熟悉工程热力学、传热学、流体力学、理论力学、材料力学。3、正确应用计算软件做好工艺流程模拟。4、正确应用基础资料、数据、计算方法、计算公式、计算软件做好换热器的工艺选型及计算。5、熟悉使用 Unilab,CAD ,CERO 和其他计算机辅助设计软件。6、良好的分析和解决问题的能力,能够迅速识别并解决出现的问题。
工作内容:1.开发和设计新的换热器系统 以实现最佳的热交换效果。2.根据换热器性能数据表对进行换热器选型软件进行校核,验证。3.根据客户需求和规格要求,设计和选择最合适的换热器材料,尺寸和流程。4.编写详细的技术规格书和设计报告,主导换热器的性能测试和验证,以确保设计的有限性和符合性。5.会同结构设计人员确认换热器的关键结构参数。6.配合领导完成项目质量及相关考核工作。工作要求:1、能源与动力工程、过程装备与控制工程、工艺设计相关专业。2、熟悉工程热力学、传热学、流体力学、理论力学、材料力学。3、正确应用计算软件做好工艺流程模拟。4、正确应用基础资料、数据、计算方法、计算公式、计算软件做好换热器的工艺选型及计算。5、熟悉使用 Unilab,CAD ,CERO 和其他计算机辅助设计软件。6、良好的分析和解决问题的能力,能够迅速识别并解决出现的问题。
关于公司世界医疗行业控制器制造商关于团队团队内部有着非常稳定的发展,内部员工在内深耕多年关于职位1.根据新产品推出、测试环境和产品变更目标制定技术规范2.开发技术测试概念,为当前和未来的产品开发提供测试支持3.制定系统要求、功能、接口、硬件和软件的测试规范,以支持当前和未来的产品测试开发4.根据系统规范开发技术测试解决方案,以满足当前和未来的产品需求5.致力于制定专注于精益制造并与新西兰保持一致的制造战略6.开发并推荐制造解决方案以满足业务需求7.成功的变革管理和所有项目的实施。建立标准化测试流程并持续改进8.与新西兰工程团队合作诊断和优化测试系统。通过测试和产品知识为生产团队提供支持9.修改现有产品测试以解决故障和产品弱点10.制定并部署预防性维护计划。管理生产设备要求11.推荐资本设备解决方案以改进当前和新的制造工艺12.负责苏州工厂的整体设施管理。 遵守所有相关法律要求13.评估制造工程的安全要求,确保采用安全实践、提供必要的培训、提供安全材料和设备14.支持零事故率的目标技能和经验要求1. 本科学历
关于公司世界医疗行业控制器制造商关于团队团队内部有着非常稳定的发展,内部员工在内深耕多年关于职位1.根据新产品推出、测试环境和产品变更目标制定技术规范2.开发技术测试概念,为当前和未来的产品开发提供测试支持3.制定系统要求、功能、接口、硬件和软件的测试规范,以支持当前和未来的产品测试开发4.根据系统规范开发技术测试解决方案,以满足当前和未来的产品需求5.致力于制定专注于精益制造并与新西兰保持一致的制造战略6.开发并推荐制造解决方案以满足业务需求7.成功的变革管理和所有项目的实施。建立标准化测试流程并持续改进8.与新西兰工程团队合作诊断和优化测试系统。通过测试和产品知识为生产团队提供支持9.修改现有产品测试以解决故障和产品弱点10.制定并部署预防性维护计划。管理生产设备要求11.推荐资本设备解决方案以改进当前和新的制造工艺12.负责苏州工厂的整体设施管理。 遵守所有相关法律要求13.评估制造工程的安全要求,确保采用安全实践、提供必要的培训、提供安全材料和设备14.支持零事故率的目标技能和经验要求1. 本科学历
关于公司.某知名上市快消品公司 关于团队.暂无 工作职责.1、负责公司货架电商、兴趣电商的发展和目标达成。2、负责在货架电商、兴趣电商渠道GMV、流量、转化率、客单价等核心要素中关键因素的执行和达成。3、负责专业渠道网络的扶优做大、骨干网络的构建和建设。4、负责店铺团队的管理、统筹、建设、规划、检核、优化提升,带领团队实现总体目标。5、在市场发展中,实现店铺大区核心竞争力的构建:供应链、客制化产品、成本优化、专业运营,持续高质量发展。6、持续学习提升,优化网络、架构、工作机制。7、自主经营,合理利用公司费用投入,保障核销,精准投入,提升产出。8、政策的制定,根据渠道和市场的发展阶段,制定符合现阶段的政策,并持续优化改进,保障推进和效果达成。9、维护市场价格环境,保证网络和渠道持续发展和盈利。 经验要求:1、全日制本科及以上学历,熟悉电商渠道2、货架电商/兴趣电商平台小二经历优先3、年轻有冲劲,能够承担较大工作强度,适应快节奏
关于公司.某知名上市快消品公司 关于团队.暂无 工作职责.1、负责公司货架电商、兴趣电商的发展和目标达成。2、负责在货架电商、兴趣电商渠道GMV、流量、转化率、客单价等核心要素中关键因素的执行和达成。3、负责专业渠道网络的扶优做大、骨干网络的构建和建设。4、负责店铺团队的管理、统筹、建设、规划、检核、优化提升,带领团队实现总体目标。5、在市场发展中,实现店铺大区核心竞争力的构建:供应链、客制化产品、成本优化、专业运营,持续高质量发展。6、持续学习提升,优化网络、架构、工作机制。7、自主经营,合理利用公司费用投入,保障核销,精准投入,提升产出。8、政策的制定,根据渠道和市场的发展阶段,制定符合现阶段的政策,并持续优化改进,保障推进和效果达成。9、维护市场价格环境,保证网络和渠道持续发展和盈利。 经验要求:1、全日制本科及以上学历,熟悉电商渠道2、货架电商/兴趣电商平台小二经历优先3、年轻有冲劲,能够承担较大工作强度,适应快节奏
关于公司.某知名上市快消品公司 关于团队.暂无 工作职责.1、负责社区团购渠道持续发展和目标的达成。2、负责社区团购渠道团队的管理、统筹、建设、规划、检核、优化提升,带领团队实现总体目标。3、负责社区团购网络,竞争力、盈利能力提升,持续高质量发展。4、负责在社区团购渠道GMV、流量、转化率、客单价等核心要素中关键因素的执行和达成,根据不同平台的规则,提升精细化执行和落地。5、社区团购高质量发展和竞争力提升:实现专业运营、客制化产品发展!6、对社区团购渠道内,品牌的发展负责,关注竞对,从未来发展和用户的角度,及时落实动作。7、维护市场价格环境,保证网络和渠道持续发展和盈利。 经验要求:1、全日制本科及以上学历,熟悉社区团购渠道2、平台采购经历优先(美团、多多、兴盛、淘菜菜等)3、年轻有冲劲,能够承担较大工作强度,适应快节奏
关于公司.某知名上市快消品公司 关于团队.暂无 工作职责.1、负责社区团购渠道持续发展和目标的达成。2、负责社区团购渠道团队的管理、统筹、建设、规划、检核、优化提升,带领团队实现总体目标。3、负责社区团购网络,竞争力、盈利能力提升,持续高质量发展。4、负责在社区团购渠道GMV、流量、转化率、客单价等核心要素中关键因素的执行和达成,根据不同平台的规则,提升精细化执行和落地。5、社区团购高质量发展和竞争力提升:实现专业运营、客制化产品发展!6、对社区团购渠道内,品牌的发展负责,关注竞对,从未来发展和用户的角度,及时落实动作。7、维护市场价格环境,保证网络和渠道持续发展和盈利。 经验要求:1、全日制本科及以上学历,熟悉社区团购渠道2、平台采购经历优先(美团、多多、兴盛、淘菜菜等)3、年轻有冲劲,能够承担较大工作强度,适应快节奏
Secondary Biology Teacher Beijing, China Start Date: August 2025 School Curriculum: IB The SchoolThis school was founded in 2017 and is a K-12 international bilingual school that aims to nurture students with a balanced and holistic education, enhancing their international competitiveness. During the Chinese compulsory education stage, the follows the Chinese National Curriculum standards while referencing the Cambridge curriculum (CAIE). During the high
Secondary Biology Teacher Beijing, China Start Date: August 2025 School Curriculum: IB The SchoolThis school was founded in 2017 and is a K-12 international bilingual school that aims to nurture students with a balanced and holistic education, enhancing their international competitiveness. During the Chinese compulsory education stage, the follows the Chinese National Curriculum standards while referencing the Cambridge curriculum (CAIE). During the high
职责描述: 开发新产品支持业务发展。与跨部门合作放大生产以及商业化新薄膜。分析和评价新材料的性能,开发有竞争力的薄膜。 申请新产品专利,为高新技术项目申请提供支持。 通过新薄膜的开发以及对标准样品的分析来建立薄膜数据库。 对产品配方进行整合及验证。 任职要求: 高分子材料、材料科学相关专业,本科及以上学历。 2年软包装行业工作经验,有薄膜压延和薄膜挤出经验优先考虑。具备相应的产品和设备知识,了解客户需求,市场和行业趋势,能分析产品性能,推荐和解决方案。能够推动和主导项目达成目标。优秀的英语读写能力,口语必须流利。良好的人际关系及沟通表达能力。可接受大概25%-35% 国内和国外出差。
职责描述: 开发新产品支持业务发展。与跨部门合作放大生产以及商业化新薄膜。分析和评价新材料的性能,开发有竞争力的薄膜。 申请新产品专利,为高新技术项目申请提供支持。 通过新薄膜的开发以及对标准样品的分析来建立薄膜数据库。 对产品配方进行整合及验证。 任职要求: 高分子材料、材料科学相关专业,本科及以上学历。 2年软包装行业工作经验,有薄膜压延和薄膜挤出经验优先考虑。具备相应的产品和设备知识,了解客户需求,市场和行业趋势,能分析产品性能,推荐和解决方案。能够推动和主导项目达成目标。优秀的英语读写能力,口语必须流利。良好的人际关系及沟通表达能力。可接受大概25%-35% 国内和国外出差。
Primary Teacher Start date: August 2025 Region: Far East and South East Asia School Curriculum: UK to IBDP Age of Students: from 2 - 18yrs Living and Working in Shanghai From the futuristic skyline of Pudong to the traditional pavilions in the sprawling Yu Gardens, China's most westernised city is a thriving metropolis with a close-knit expatriate community. Its unique architectural heritage includes the world's second-tallest tower and classical art
Primary Teacher Start date: August 2025 Region: Far East and South East Asia School Curriculum: UK to IBDP Age of Students: from 2 - 18yrs Living and Working in Shanghai From the futuristic skyline of Pudong to the traditional pavilions in the sprawling Yu Gardens, China's most westernised city is a thriving metropolis with a close-knit expatriate community. Its unique architectural heritage includes the world's second-tallest tower and classical art
工作职责:负责标准新产品转入项目,与国外团队沟通产品细节要求,确认图纸,确立BOM 和工艺流程,样品制作,质量认证到批量化生产的项目管理全过程。在非标项目上,通过和项目工程团队和本地工厂生产团地的技术沟通,确认最佳的生产方案,转换非标项目产品的生产图纸,确认BOM和工艺参数,确保实际生产成本与项目预估成本的一致性。协助生产进行效率提升,对生产的工序进行工艺优化,培训员工,及时与生产部门一起解决现场工艺制造过程中的各种问题。与设备管理部门一起进行新产品所需的设备,线体的规划,选型,调试以及形成对应的作业工艺指导书。负责公司车间精益生产规划、布局,技改优化及实施等工作,持续改进安全,质量,成本,效率。负责总结新的专业技术、工艺工作的成果和经验,形成可以继承的技术工艺标准、规范。上级交代的其他工作任务。任职资格:8年以上重工行业机械制造工程类工作经验,5年以上制造业工程现场管理经验。本科及以上,机械工程、模具等相关工科专业。熟练使用Solidworks或AutoCAD等设计软件。有电阻焊、冲压、钣金行业、切割、折
工作职责:负责标准新产品转入项目,与国外团队沟通产品细节要求,确认图纸,确立BOM 和工艺流程,样品制作,质量认证到批量化生产的项目管理全过程。在非标项目上,通过和项目工程团队和本地工厂生产团地的技术沟通,确认最佳的生产方案,转换非标项目产品的生产图纸,确认BOM和工艺参数,确保实际生产成本与项目预估成本的一致性。协助生产进行效率提升,对生产的工序进行工艺优化,培训员工,及时与生产部门一起解决现场工艺制造过程中的各种问题。与设备管理部门一起进行新产品所需的设备,线体的规划,选型,调试以及形成对应的作业工艺指导书。负责公司车间精益生产规划、布局,技改优化及实施等工作,持续改进安全,质量,成本,效率。负责总结新的专业技术、工艺工作的成果和经验,形成可以继承的技术工艺标准、规范。上级交代的其他工作任务。任职资格:8年以上重工行业机械制造工程类工作经验,5年以上制造业工程现场管理经验。本科及以上,机械工程、模具等相关工科专业。熟练使用Solidworks或AutoCAD等设计软件。有电阻焊、冲压、钣金行业、切割、折
Main tasks and responsibilities:Carry out sales activities and develop specific customer strategic plans to maximize efficiency and sales opportunities in line with the Company’s technical capability and Services strategic plans.Formulate business strategy development direction through market analysis, determine key customers to support the EMS business base, and improve customer business stability and loyalty through frequent visits and customer interacti
Main tasks and responsibilities:Carry out sales activities and develop specific customer strategic plans to maximize efficiency and sales opportunities in line with the Company’s technical capability and Services strategic plans.Formulate business strategy development direction through market analysis, determine key customers to support the EMS business base, and improve customer business stability and loyalty through frequent visits and customer interacti
Art and Design Teacher Foshan, China Start Date: August 2025 School Curriculum: UK The School Opened in 2020, this school has been founded to provide a British high school education to the expatriate community in Foshan. When full, it will educate 850 boys and girls aged 8-18, with both day and boarding options. Although this is an independent school, it is closely linked to one of the oldest and most prestigious academic girls' schools in the UK Unde
Art and Design Teacher Foshan, China Start Date: August 2025 School Curriculum: UK The School Opened in 2020, this school has been founded to provide a British high school education to the expatriate community in Foshan. When full, it will educate 850 boys and girls aged 8-18, with both day and boarding options. Although this is an independent school, it is closely linked to one of the oldest and most prestigious academic girls' schools in the UK Unde
Business and Economics Teacher Foshan, China Start Date: August 2025 School Curriculum: UK The School Opened in 2020, this school has been founded to provide a British high school education to the expatriate community in Foshan. When full, it will educate 850 boys and girls aged 8-18, with both day and boarding options. Although this is an independent school, it is closely linked to one of the oldest and most prestigious academic girls' schools in the U
Business and Economics Teacher Foshan, China Start Date: August 2025 School Curriculum: UK The School Opened in 2020, this school has been founded to provide a British high school education to the expatriate community in Foshan. When full, it will educate 850 boys and girls aged 8-18, with both day and boarding options. Although this is an independent school, it is closely linked to one of the oldest and most prestigious academic girls' schools in the U
Head of Business and Economics Foshan, China Start Date: August 2025 School Curriculum: UK The School Opened in 2020, this school has been founded to provide a British high school education to the expatriate community in Foshan. When full, it will educate 850 boys and girls aged 8-18, with both day and boarding options. Although this is an independent school, it is closely linked to one of the oldest and most prestigious academic girls' schools in the
Head of Business and Economics Foshan, China Start Date: August 2025 School Curriculum: UK The School Opened in 2020, this school has been founded to provide a British high school education to the expatriate community in Foshan. When full, it will educate 850 boys and girls aged 8-18, with both day and boarding options. Although this is an independent school, it is closely linked to one of the oldest and most prestigious academic girls' schools in the
Secondary English Teacher Foshan, China Start Date: August 2025 School Curriculum: UK The School Opened in 2020, this school has been founded to provide a British high school education to the expatriate community in Foshan. When full, it will educate 850 boys and girls aged 8-18, with both day and boarding options. Although this is an independent school, it is closely linked to one of the oldest and most prestigious academic girls' schools in the UK Un
Secondary English Teacher Foshan, China Start Date: August 2025 School Curriculum: UK The School Opened in 2020, this school has been founded to provide a British high school education to the expatriate community in Foshan. When full, it will educate 850 boys and girls aged 8-18, with both day and boarding options. Although this is an independent school, it is closely linked to one of the oldest and most prestigious academic girls' schools in the UK Un
Primary G2 TeacherRequired: August 2025 Location: Chongqing, China Region: Far East and South East Asia Curriculum: UK to A-level Experience Required: Minimum 2 years previous teaching experience Living and Working in Chongqing Chongqing is the largest city in southwest China. Within its borders it encompasses a wealth of water reserves, dense forests, and abundant flora and fauna. The focal point of the region is the Yangtze Three Gorges Dam, which is a
Primary G2 TeacherRequired: August 2025 Location: Chongqing, China Region: Far East and South East Asia Curriculum: UK to A-level Experience Required: Minimum 2 years previous teaching experience Living and Working in Chongqing Chongqing is the largest city in southwest China. Within its borders it encompasses a wealth of water reserves, dense forests, and abundant flora and fauna. The focal point of the region is the Yangtze Three Gorges Dam, which is a
Primary Teacher Guangzhou, ChinaStart Date: Aug 2025 Location: Guangzhou, China Region: Far East and South East Asia School Curriculum: Chinese with UK adaptations leading to iGCSE and A-level Age of Students: 2 - 18 years Living and Working in GuangzhouThe School is located to the North of the City of Guangzhou. Known as a very green city, Guangzhou has been voted one of the most live-able in China. It is close enough to Hong Kong and Macau for wonderfu
Primary Teacher Guangzhou, ChinaStart Date: Aug 2025 Location: Guangzhou, China Region: Far East and South East Asia School Curriculum: Chinese with UK adaptations leading to iGCSE and A-level Age of Students: 2 - 18 years Living and Working in GuangzhouThe School is located to the North of the City of Guangzhou. Known as a very green city, Guangzhou has been voted one of the most live-able in China. It is close enough to Hong Kong and Macau for wonderfu
Secondary EAL Teacher Guangzhou, ChinaStart Date: Aug 2025 Location: Guangzhou, China Region: Far East and South East Asia School Curriculum: Chinese with UK adaptations leading to iGCSE and A-level Age of Students: 2 - 18 years The School is located to the North of the City of Guangzhou. Known as a very green city, Guangzhou has been voted one of the most live-able in China. It is close enough to Hong Kong and Macau for wonderful weekends away and has i
Secondary EAL Teacher Guangzhou, ChinaStart Date: Aug 2025 Location: Guangzhou, China Region: Far East and South East Asia School Curriculum: Chinese with UK adaptations leading to iGCSE and A-level Age of Students: 2 - 18 years The School is located to the North of the City of Guangzhou. Known as a very green city, Guangzhou has been voted one of the most live-able in China. It is close enough to Hong Kong and Macau for wonderful weekends away and has i
Head of English and EAL Zhuhai, China Start Date: August 2025 Curriculum: Bilingual / UK to A-levelLiving and Working in ZhuhaiZhuhai is a small city relative to the big players in China, but it is a diamond in the rough that borders on Macau and is connected by the world's longest bridge to Hong Kong. Today the city is known for golf resorts, theme parks and islands off the Pearl River Delta. The air quality and the seaside location work to make Zhuhai
Head of English and EAL Zhuhai, China Start Date: August 2025 Curriculum: Bilingual / UK to A-levelLiving and Working in ZhuhaiZhuhai is a small city relative to the big players in China, but it is a diamond in the rough that borders on Macau and is connected by the world's longest bridge to Hong Kong. Today the city is known for golf resorts, theme parks and islands off the Pearl River Delta. The air quality and the seaside location work to make Zhuhai
Secondary Business Studies Teacher Zhuhai, China Start Date: August 2025 Curriculum: Bilingual / UK to A-levelLiving and Working in ZhuhaiZhuhai is a small city relative to the big players in China, but it is a diamond in the rough that borders on Macau and is connected by the world's longest bridge to Hong Kong. Today the city is known for golf resorts, theme parks and islands off the Pearl River Delta. The air quality and the seaside location work to m
Secondary Business Studies Teacher Zhuhai, China Start Date: August 2025 Curriculum: Bilingual / UK to A-levelLiving and Working in ZhuhaiZhuhai is a small city relative to the big players in China, but it is a diamond in the rough that borders on Macau and is connected by the world's longest bridge to Hong Kong. Today the city is known for golf resorts, theme parks and islands off the Pearl River Delta. The air quality and the seaside location work to m
Secondary Physics Teacher Zhuhai, China Start Date: August 2025 Curriculum: Bilingual / UK to A-levelLiving and Working in ZhuhaiZhuhai is a small city relative to the big players in China, but it is a diamond in the rough that borders on Macau and is connected by the world's longest bridge to Hong Kong. Today the city is known for golf resorts, theme parks and islands off the Pearl River Delta. The air quality and the seaside location work to make Zhuha
Secondary Physics Teacher Zhuhai, China Start Date: August 2025 Curriculum: Bilingual / UK to A-levelLiving and Working in ZhuhaiZhuhai is a small city relative to the big players in China, but it is a diamond in the rough that borders on Macau and is connected by the world's longest bridge to Hong Kong. Today the city is known for golf resorts, theme parks and islands off the Pearl River Delta. The air quality and the seaside location work to make Zhuha
Secondary Art and Design Technology Teacher Zhuhai, China Start Date: August 2025 Curriculum: Bilingual / UK to A-levelLiving and Working in ZhuhaiZhuhai is a small city relative to the big players in China, but it is a diamond in the rough that borders on Macau and is connected by the world's longest bridge to Hong Kong. Today the city is known for golf resorts, theme parks and islands off the Pearl River Delta. The air quality and the seaside location
Secondary Art and Design Technology Teacher Zhuhai, China Start Date: August 2025 Curriculum: Bilingual / UK to A-levelLiving and Working in ZhuhaiZhuhai is a small city relative to the big players in China, but it is a diamond in the rough that borders on Macau and is connected by the world's longest bridge to Hong Kong. Today the city is known for golf resorts, theme parks and islands off the Pearl River Delta. The air quality and the seaside location
Director of Teaching and Learning - Middle School - Shanghai, China August 2025Innovative and Pioneering School: Be part of a forward-thinking, not-for-profit international school that blends Chinese and global educational practices.Global Impact: Lead the development of a unique bilingual curriculum that prepares students to become responsible global citizens.Exceptional Growth and Development Opportunities: Access to ongoing professional learning and lea
Director of Teaching and Learning - Middle School - Shanghai, China August 2025Innovative and Pioneering School: Be part of a forward-thinking, not-for-profit international school that blends Chinese and global educational practices.Global Impact: Lead the development of a unique bilingual curriculum that prepares students to become responsible global citizens.Exceptional Growth and Development Opportunities: Access to ongoing professional learning and lea
Middle School DT Teacher - Shanghai, China August 2025Exciting International Opportunity: Teach in a dynamic, bilingual environment that combines UK and IB curricula, empowering students to become global citizens.Shanghai Adventure: Experience living in one of the world's most vibrant and cosmopolitan cities, with abundant cultural and travel opportunities.Competitive Compensation: Enjoy a comprehensive benefits package, including salary, accommodation all
Middle School DT Teacher - Shanghai, China August 2025Exciting International Opportunity: Teach in a dynamic, bilingual environment that combines UK and IB curricula, empowering students to become global citizens.Shanghai Adventure: Experience living in one of the world's most vibrant and cosmopolitan cities, with abundant cultural and travel opportunities.Competitive Compensation: Enjoy a comprehensive benefits package, including salary, accommodation all
about the company:A leading MNC in chemical industry is looking for a chemist with PVC film background for its new business. responsibilities:Develop and assess new films’ formulations (PVC).Collaborate with cross functions to scale up and commercialize new film.Build films database by conducting the new films development and the technical benchmarking.Collaborating with global R&D team for new technologies and products. qualifications:Education Background
about the company:A leading MNC in chemical industry is looking for a chemist with PVC film background for its new business. responsibilities:Develop and assess new films’ formulations (PVC).Collaborate with cross functions to scale up and commercialize new film.Build films database by conducting the new films development and the technical benchmarking.Collaborating with global R&D team for new technologies and products. qualifications:Education Background
KG Teacher Shenzhen, China Start Date: August 2025 Region: Far East and South East Asia School Curriculum: Hong Kong Curriculum and IBDP Living and working in Shenzhen Shenzhen is the youngest first tier city in China where the average age of the population is under thirty. Rated as the best air quality of all first tier cities in China, Shenzhen itself is a wonderful planned city filled with Plants and shrubbery on the coast in the warmer southern cli
KG Teacher Shenzhen, China Start Date: August 2025 Region: Far East and South East Asia School Curriculum: Hong Kong Curriculum and IBDP Living and working in Shenzhen Shenzhen is the youngest first tier city in China where the average age of the population is under thirty. Rated as the best air quality of all first tier cities in China, Shenzhen itself is a wonderful planned city filled with Plants and shrubbery on the coast in the warmer southern cli
Primary Teacher Haikou, China Start Date: August 2025 Region: Far East and South East Asia School Curriculum: Bilingual - UK Living and Working in Haikou Haikou, known as the 'Coconut City', is the capital of Hainan Province, China's second largest island and is in the southern tip of China where the climate remains tropical. Air quality here is good and facilities are launching. In terms of low cost living this is the place in China to be. For those
Primary Teacher Haikou, China Start Date: August 2025 Region: Far East and South East Asia School Curriculum: Bilingual - UK Living and Working in Haikou Haikou, known as the 'Coconut City', is the capital of Hainan Province, China's second largest island and is in the southern tip of China where the climate remains tropical. Air quality here is good and facilities are launching. In terms of low cost living this is the place in China to be. For those