human rights and fair labor conditions policy.

In line with our core values and Partner for Talent strategy, Randstad believes that everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. As the global leader in the HR services industry, we recognize our role in society and our responsibility to respect human rights and ensure fair labor conditions. We are committed to preventing and mitigating adverse human rights impacts that are caused by or linked to our operations and services, and addressing such impacts if they occur. Randstad aims for a labor market where all people, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances, can participate in healthy and safe working conditions, have equitable opportunities, are up- and reskilled and receive adequate and fair wages for their work.  In our Human Rights & Fair Labor Conditions Policy we set out the leading principles for Randstad and its employees and talent with regard to human rights, as well as our expectations towards our external stakeholders.

read our policy

fair competition policy.

We know and comply with competition and antitrust laws.  

Randstad fully supports the principle that operating companies should compete vigorously and fairly. We recognize that anti-competitive behavior (such as agreements with competitors to fix prices, to limit or diminish competition, or exchanging unpublished, commercially sensitive information) undermines the level playing field of the market and is therefore unacceptable. As such, we require all of our employees to comply fully with all applicable competition and antitrust laws.  

Randstad has a comprehensive Fair Competition Policy, which sets out a clear list of practical DOs and DON’Ts for our employees.  Randstad employees are forbidden to share unpublished, commercially sensitive information, or to enter into cooperation agreements with competitors. All contact with competitors (including industry federations) must be conducted in a proper manner, and must not involve prohibited discussions relating to, for example, prices, rates, bids for contracts, client tenders, market restrictions or allocations (by location or customer), or blacklisting of licensees, customers, competitors or suppliers. 

gifts & hospitality and anti-bribery policy.

We do not offer, pay or accept bribes or anything of value that could create undue influence or the appearance of inappropriate behavior.
We do not offer or accept gifts or hospitality or anything of value that could create undue influence or the appearance of inappropriate behavior.   

All Randstad representatives are required to conduct themselves with the utmost integrity. Under no circumstances may they offer, receive or authorize anything that could be perceived as a bribe. Randstad has a comprehensive gifts & hospitality policy and anti-bribery policy, with a clear list of practical DOs and DON’Ts to ensure that employees are not involved – either knowingly or unknowingly – in such practices.

To avoid the possibility of an innocent gift being mistaken as a bribe, employees are prohibited from offering or accepting any gift, advantage or hospitality that is unusually generous, or that could appear to create undue influence (e.g., a gift given by a supplier to an employee with responsibility for selecting suppliers or a gift by an employee to a client during a tender procedure). Particular care is taken with public officials and government employees and with intermediaries, agents or consultants who might act in Randstad’s name. We do not make contributions to candidates for public or private office, to political parties or other political interests.

for more information visit our documentation page.

see documentation